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JEE Main Physics ‘Difference Between’ Topics

Last updated date: 01st Jul 2024
Total views: 84.6k
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Physics Difference Between Topics for JEE Main: A Category to Score Good

To score high in the JEE Main exams, understanding the differences between topics is crucial, especially in Physics. Recognising the subtle distinctions between concepts can make a big difference in your score. As a top e-learning platform, Vedantu knows how crucial this is. That is why we have a special category called "Physics Difference Between Topics" that is designed to help students do well in JEE Main Physics. In this category, you'll find lots of resources that dive into the details of different Physics topics, pointing out their key differences and explaining them clearly along with their characteristics.

One great thing about this category is that it focuses on making sure students understand the concepts. Instead of simply memorising formulas and equations, students are encouraged to understand the reasons behind different Physics concepts. This helps in deeper understanding and enables students to apply their knowledge effectively.


JEE Main Difference Between


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What are the Benefits of Learning Physics Through 'Difference Between' Topics?

By using the "Physics Difference Between Topics" category on Vedantu, you can:

  • Gain a better understanding of Physics concepts

  • Get better at solving Physics problems

  • Feel more confident when tackling Physics questions in JEE Main

Vedantu's "Physics Difference Between Topics" category is a valuable tool for JEE Main aspirants that can help you succeed in your Physics studies.

Understanding the Difference Between Topics in JEE Main

When preparing for the JEE Main exam, it's essential to grasp the distinctions between topics in each subject. This table offers a simplified overview of the key differences between various concepts in Chemistry and Mathematics, aiding in enhancing your study strategy and optimising your preparation for success.



Difference Between Topics Links



Chemistry Difference Between



Maths Difference Between

Difference Between Topics in Physics: A Comprehensive List

Maximising your preparation effectiveness with this comprehensive list to excel in JEE Main Physics. By understanding the differences between topics, you'll be able to approach the JEE Main exam with a strategic mindset and achieve the success you aspire to.


Physics Topic

Key Differences


Difference between Scalar and vector quantity

Scalars have magnitude only, while vectors have both magnitude and direction.


Difference between Resistance and resistivity

Resistance is the opposition to current flow in a specific conductor, while resistivity is the property of a material that hinders the flow of electric charge.


Difference between Multiplexer and demultiplexer

A multiplexer combines multiple input signals into a single output signal, while a demultiplexer separates a single input signal into multiple output signals.


Difference between Uniform and nonuniform motion

Uniform motion has constant velocity, while nonuniform motion has varying velocity.


Difference between Diamond and graphite

Diamond and graphite are both forms of carbon, but diamond has a rigid tetrahedral structure, while graphite has a layered structure.


Difference between Reflection and refraction

Reflection occurs when light waves bounce off a surface, while refraction occurs when light waves bend as they pass through a medium.


Difference between Petrol and diesel engines

Petrol engines use spark ignition to burn a mixture of air and fuel, while diesel engines use compression ignition to burn pure air.


Difference between Combinational and sequential circuits

Combinational circuits produce output directly from their input, while sequential circuits store information and produce output based on both input and stored information.


Difference between Ammeter and voltmeter

An ammeter measures electric current, while a voltmeter measures electric potential difference.


Difference between Transverse and longitudinal waves

Transverse waves vibrate perpendicular to their direction of propagation, while longitudinal waves vibrate parallel to their direction of propagation.


Difference between Electric potential difference

Electric potential difference is the difference in electric potential between two points.


Difference between Enantiomers and diastereomers

Enantiomers are mirror images of each other, while diastereomers are not mirror images but have different spatial arrangements.


Difference between Flip flop and latch

A flip-flop is a bistable electronic circuit that can store one bit of data, while a latch is a monostable electronic circuit that can store one bit of data but requires a clock signal to maintain the data.


Difference between Convex and concave mirror

A convex mirror reflects light rays outward, while a concave mirror reflects light rays inward.


Difference between Stress and pressure

Stress is the force acting on a surface, while pressure is the force per unit area.


Difference between Zener breakdown and avalanche breakdown

Zener breakdown occurs in semiconductors when the electric field is strong enough to cause electrons to tunnel from the valence band to the conduction band, while avalanche breakdown occurs when the electric field is strong enough to cause electrons to collide with other atoms, knocking off more electrons and creating a cascade of electron-hole pairs.


Difference between Galvanometer and Ammeter

A galvanometer is a sensitive instrument used to detect and measure small electric currents, while an ammeter is a more robust instrument used to measure larger electric currents.


Difference between AM and FM

AM (amplitude modulation) and FM (frequency modulation) are two different methods of transmitting radio signals. AM varies the amplitude of the carrier wave based on the audio signal, while FM varies the frequency of the carrier wave based on the audio signal.


Difference between Work and energy

Work is the transfer of energy from one object to another, while energy is the ability to do work.


Difference between Vectors and scalars

Vectors have both magnitude and direction, while scalars have magnitude only.


Difference between Mass and weight

Mass is the amount of matter in an object, while weight is the force of gravity acting on an object.


Difference between Potential difference and Dimensional formulas

Potential difference is the difference in electric potential between two points while Dimensional formulas express the units of a physical quantity in terms of the base units of length, mass, and time.


Difference between Speed and velocity

Speed is the magnitude of velocity, while velocity is the vector quantity that describes the rate and direction of motion.


Difference between Simple and compound microscope

A simple microscope uses a single lens to magnify an object, while a compound microscope uses two lenses to magnify an object.


Difference between Motor and generator

A motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy, while a generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.


Difference between Kinetics and kinematics

Kinetics is the study of motion and its causes, while kinematics is the study of motion without regard for its causes.


Difference between Electric field and magnetic field

An electric field is created by electric charges, while a magnetic field is created by moving electric charges or magnetic materials.


Difference between Forward bias and reverse bias

In a p-n junction, forward bias occurs when the positive terminal of the battery is connected to the p-type semiconductor and the negative terminal is connected to the n-type semiconductor, while reverse bias occurs when the connections are reversed.


Difference between Orifice meter and venturi meter

Both orifice meters and venturi meters are used to measure fluid flow rate, but an orifice meter has a sharp-edged opening, while a venturi meter has a tapered opening.


Difference between mesh and loop

A mesh is a set of independent loops in an electrical circuit, while a loop is a closed path that does not intersect itself.


Difference between density and volume

Density is mass per unit volume, while volume is the amount of space an object occupies.


Difference between dot product and cross product

The dot product is a scalar quantity that gives the magnitude of the projection of one vector onto another, while the cross product is a vector quantity that is perpendicular to both of the original vectors.


Difference between Volt and watt difference

Volts measure electrical potential, while watts measure electrical power.


Difference between Resistance and impedance

Resistance is a measure of how much an object opposes the flow of electric current, while impedance is a measure of the overall opposition to the flow of electric current in an AC circuit.


Difference between LCD and LED full form

LCD stands for liquid crystal display, while LED stands for light-emitting diode.


Difference between Uniform and nonuniform acceleration

Uniform acceleration is when the acceleration is constant, while nonuniform acceleration is when the acceleration is changing.


Difference between electrostatic potential and electrostatic potential energy

Electrostatic potential is the amount of work done per unit charge to move a charge from a reference point to a given point, while electrostatic potential energy is the potential energy of a system of electric charges.


Difference between Earthing and grounding difference

Earthing is connecting a conductor to the earth, while grounding is connecting a conductor to a reference point at ground potential.


Difference between watts and volts

Watts measure electrical power, while volts measure electrical potential.


Difference between frequency and wavelength

Frequency is the number of cycles of a wave that pass a given point in a given time, while wavelength is the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs of a wave.


Difference between density and specific gravity

Density is mass per unit volume, while specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference substance, typically water.


Difference between compression and rarefaction

Compression is the process of decreasing the volume of a substance, while rarefaction is the process of increasing the volume of a substance.


Difference between polar and nonpolar dielectrics

Polar dielectrics have a permanent dipole moment, while nonpolar dielectrics do not have a permanent dipole moment.


Difference between ohmic and non ohmic conductors

Ohmic conductors obey Ohm's law, which states that the current through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage across it, while non ohmic conductors do not obey Ohm's law.


Difference between circular and rotational motion

Circular motion is motion in a circle, while rotational motion is motion around an axis.


Difference between static and dynamic friction

Static friction is the force that opposes the movement of two objects that are in contact with each other, while dynamic friction is the force that opposes the movement of two objects that are already in motion.


Difference between air conditioning and refrigeration

Air conditioning is the process of cooling and dehumidifying air, while refrigeration is the process of cooling a substance to a temperature below its freezing point.


Difference between parallel circuit and series circuit

In a parallel circuit, the components are connected side-by-side, while in a series circuit, the components are connected end-to-end.


Difference between uniform circular motion and non uniform circular motion

Uniform circular motion is when the object is moving at a constant speed, while non uniform circular motion is when the object is moving at a changing speed.


Difference between line voltage and phase voltage

Line voltage is the voltage between two phases of a three-phase system, while phase voltage is the voltage between a phase and neutral.

How to Answer ‘Difference Between’ JEE Main Physics Questions? 

Answering "difference between" questions in JEE Main Physics requires a thorough understanding of the concepts and theories being compared. Here are some tips that can help you answer these questions effectively:

  • The first step in answering "difference between" questions is to understand and identify the key differences that need to be highlighted. Read the question carefully and try to identify the concepts or theories being compared.

  • Before comparing and contrasting, ensure you have a solid understanding of both concepts or theories. This will help you articulate the differences more precisely.

  • While focusing on the differences, don't overlook the similarities between the concepts. Understanding the commonalities can provide a clearer context for highlighting the distinctions.

  • When explaining the differences, use clear and concise language that conveys your understanding effectively. Avoid using complex jargon or overly technical terms.

  • Whenever possible, provide examples to illustrate the differences between the concepts. This will make your explanation more vivid and understandable.

  • Structure your answer in a logical and organized manner. This will make it easier for the examiner to follow your thought process and assess your understanding.

  • Familiarize yourself with the format and style of "difference between" questions by practicing with previous year's JEE Main Physics papers. This will help you develop a strategy and enhance your problem-solving skills.

How are Physics Differences Between Topics Helpful for Class 11 and Class 12 Students?

Understanding the differences between topics is essential for students in Class 11 and Class 12. By comparing and contrasting various concepts, students can gain a deeper understanding of the material and develop their critical thinking skills. This can lead to better performance in exams and a more well-rounded education.

During exams, students are required to have a deeper understanding of the concepts. As the questions asked in exams are often more complex and may require students to integrate their knowledge of multiple concepts to answer or solve problems.

Below are some of the Physics differences between questions asked in the Class 11 and 12 exams

Class 11 Physics Difference Between Questions:

  1. What is the difference between mass and weight? (2022)

  2. Distinguish between kinetic energy and potential energy. (2021)

  3. Compare and contrast the characteristics of conductors, insulators, and semiconductors. (2020)

  4. What is the difference between mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves? (2019)

  5. Elaborate on the distinction between reflection and refraction of light. (2018)

Class 12 Physics Difference Between Questions:

  1. What is the difference between Electric Potential and Electric Potential Difference? (2023)

  2. Explain the difference between AC and DC currents. (2022)

  3. Differentiate between the processes of diffraction and interference of light. (2021)

  4. Compare and contrast the characteristics of atoms and molecules. (2020)

  5. What is the difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion reactions? (2019)

The above "difference between" questions from physics were asked in the previous year's Class 11 and Class 12 physics exams. Students should be prepared to answer questions that compare and contrast various physical concepts and phenomena.

Elevate Your JEE Main Physics Preparation with Our Extensive Resources

Start your JEE Main Physics preparation with our comprehensive study resources. These materials delve into various Physics topics, providing you with a wealth of knowledge to support your studies. These resources are crucial for self-assessment, building confidence, and sharpening problem-solving abilities. Simply click on the links below to access these valuable resources and elevate your preparation for this challenging exam.


For JEE Main applicants, Vedantu's "Physics Difference Between Topics" category is a useful resource, providing a comprehensive and structured method to studying complicated Physics concepts. understanding the small differences in topics will help you improve your conceptual knowledge, problem-solving skills, and confidence in tackling Physics issues with precision and accuracy. Accept the challenge of distinguishing between the differences, and watch your Physics preparation soar to new heights.

FAQs on JEE Main Physics ‘Difference Between’ Topics

1. What is the importance of understanding the difference between Physics topics for JEE Main?

Understanding the distinctions between Physics topics is crucial for JEE Main preparation as it enables you to grasp the concepts in greater depth and approach problems with a more strategic mindset. By recognising the key differences between related concepts, you'll be able to identify patterns, apply relevant formulas, and tackle complex problems with confidence.

2. How does understanding the difference between Physics topics help in problem-solving for the JEE Main Exam?

When you understand the subtle distinctions between Physics concepts, you can differentiate between seemingly similar problems and apply the appropriate approach to each. This ability to identify problem types and choose the correct solution method is essential for success in the JEE Main exam.

3. What are some of the common areas where students struggle to differentiate between Physics topics of JEE Main?

Some common areas where students encounter difficulty in distinguishing between Physics topics include:

  • Motion and Mechanics: Differentiating between concepts like linear and rotational motion, relative motion, and Newton's laws of motion.

  • Electrostatics and Magnetism: Understanding the distinctions between electric charges, electric fields, magnetic fields, and electromagnetic induction.

  • Waves and Optics: Grasping the differences between wave properties, wave types, and optical phenomena.

  • Modern Physics: Distinguishing between concepts like relativity, quantum mechanics, and nuclear physics.

4. Where can I find the difference between questions for JEE main exams?

You can find the topics covering the differences between various topics on Vedantu’s official website.

5. What is the difference between modern physics and classical physics?

Modern physics deals with topics like atomic physics, nuclear physics, and particle physics, covering concepts like the structure of the atom, the nucleus, the basic particles, radioactivity, nuclear fusion, and nuclear fission. Classical physics, on the other hand, encompasses the traditional concepts of mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and optics.