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NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 19 - A Seed Tells A Farmer Story

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NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 19 - A Seed Tells A Farmer Story Free PDF Download

Class 5 is an age where children have very impressionable minds and need the right guidance in their studies. Keeping this in mind, the subject matter experts at Vedantu have prepared NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 19 A Seed Tells a Farmer Story in a lucid and easily comprehensible manner. Apart from getting the most accurate answers in Class 5 EVS ch 19 NCERT Solutions, students would also benefit tremendously from the constant support of the Vedantu team in case they get stuck and have doubts while going through the solutions.


NCERT Solutions for Class 5


Class 5 EVS

Chapter Name:

Chapter 19 - A Seed Tells A Farmer Story


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English and Hindi

Available Materials:

  • Chapter Wise

  • Exercise Wise

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  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 19 – Free PDF Download

Class 5 Chapter 19 Solution is now available at the official website of Vedantu. You can download NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 19 A Seed Tells a Farmer Story PDF on your device and then access it from anywhere anytime, even without an internet connection.

Chapter 19 – EVS  - A Seed Tells a Farmer's Story

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter


The food that we get so easily on our plates goes through a lot of processes to become edible. EVS Class 5 Chapter 19 tells students about how farmers grow crops and fruits and challenges they have to go through at times. Ch 19 Class 5 EVS will make you understand the various techniques that a farmer uses to get a good production of vegetables, crops and fruits.

Class 5 EVS Chapter 19 A Seed Tells a Farmer Story will also make students realize the value of food by acquainting them with the long process that goes into giving us food which we eat daily.  You will also learn in Class 5th EVS Chapter 19 that how the farmers put in so much time, energy and effort in producing these food items while they do not get much in return.

EVS - A Seed Tells a Farmer's Story

Agriculture is the process of growing food and cash crops that humans need and it is the backbone of our country. Crops are inevitable parts of our daily living, more so in India.  India being an agricultural country, most of the occupation here is centred around agriculture.  There are many processes, tools and techniques that farmers employ as part of their agricultural activity. 

With the advent of technology, many agricultural techniques have changed over time. However, the farming method employed by farmers depends a lot on their financial conditions. All the agricultural activities or tools aim to increase and better the yield.

The chapter is told as a story from the point of view of a bajra seed. The seed has witnessed the changing times of agriculture, its ups and downs. It belonged to a farmer Damjibhai in Gujarat before modern equipment took over. In the earlier days, people lived together as a big family and ate fresh produce from the fields and celebrated festivals together with dishes like undhiyu. Damjibhai would store the seeds carefully every year in a wooden box with neem leaves so that they do not get managed by insects. Farmers would grow a variety of crops like grains and vegetables and keep some for their household needs and sell the rest. They also grew cotton which was spurned at home to make clothes.

With time, farmers started getting water from canals and electricity was also introduced to them. Crops such as wheat and cotton got better prices in the market, so farmers started growing them more and crops like bajra and jowar took a backseat. New kinds of seeds were introduced in the market, and people started buying them for their use. Damjibhai’s son Hasmukhbhai took over the farming from him and brought new machineries like tractors and electric motors. The need for bullocks and the seeds stored in the box was no longer there.

With cows and buffalos out of the scene, the next 20 years of farming saw fertilizers being used in farming. The new seeds were more prone to infection and damage from insects and fertilizers were very expensive. People started getting less out of their efforts since they needed to use all the new equipment and medicines to get enough water and ward off insects. All these changes stressed out farmers and Hansmukh was always in an angry mood. His son, Paresh, was educated and did not want to get into the farming business. He started driving trucks. Finally, one day he gets rid of the seeds that Damjibhai had kept in the wooden box to make room for his tools and screws for the truck.

Exercise - Tell

This exercise has 2 questions which are short types of answers. They are based more on the experience and food habits of students.

Exercise - Find Out and Write

This exercise has 5 questions which are a mix of short and long answer types. The questions are again based on what students have seen at their homes about protecting grains. There is one question where students need to describe any festival in India they have seen and the kind of food eaten during that festival. One question is picture based where images of some seeds are given, and you need to find out the name of the crop to which that seed belongs.

Exercise - Discuss

There are 2 questions in this exercise. These are based directly on the chapter and its story. Students can refer to the summary given in NCERT Solution for Class 5 EVS Chapter 19 to answer these.

Exercise - Write

This exercise has just 1 question which needs students to think out of the box and write about the kind of progress they would like to see in their area.

Exercise - Discuss and Think

There are 4 questions in this exercise, and all are long answer types. These questions are based on the chapter but require higher-order thinking skills to solve them. NCERT Solutions Class 5 EVS A Seed Tells a Farmer Story given by the team of Vedantu would help them answer these questions.

Exercise - Project

This exercise has 2 questions that need students to directly interact with real farmers and get information from them to answer these questions.

Exercise - Journey of a bajra seed - from a field to plate

This exercise has 4 image-based questions. Students need to describe what they see in the image in the context of this chapter. It also needs students to understand the different technologies used in agriculture to answer these questions.

Exercise - What We Have Learned

This exercise has 2 long answer type questions. The knowledge gained from A Seed Tells a Farmer Story Class 5 NCERT Solutions and information from elders would help students answer these questions.

Key Features of NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 19 

CBSE Class 5 EVS Chapter 19 Solutions prepared by the scholars of Vedantu would give you an edge over others. The solutions’ key benefits are:

  • Detailed explanations for all exercises and questions, helping Class 5 students understand 'A Seed Tells A Farmer's Story' better.

  • Organized content for easy understanding, ensuring it's clear and simple for young learners.

  • Correct answers following the school curriculum, making students feel sure about what they've learned.

  • Use of pictures and drawings to make tricky ideas easier to understand.

  • Extra tips to help students do better in grasping the seed's journey.

  • Summaries of the chapter for a quick review of main points.

  • Access to online materials and easy-to-download resources for studying and revising at your own pace.


NCERT Solutions are essential for Class 5 exam preparation. Begin by reading the textbook chapter thoroughly, then solve the NCERT questions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 19 - A Seed Tells A Farmer's Story. Detailed solutions are available on Vedantu, following CBSE guidelines. Download free NCERT Solutions for guidance, aligning with expert-reviewed answers. In this chapter, students delve into the seed's journey and the farmer's role, understanding plant life cycles, from germination to harvest. It highlights the farmer-environment relationship, stressing sustainable agriculture. Key topics include seed growth, farming methods, and seed importance. This exploration fosters botanical knowledge and appreciation for farmers' vital role in providing food for communities.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 19 - A Seed Tells A Farmer Story

Q1: What is the Undihiya Dish as Described in this Chapter?

Ans: Undihiya is a dish made in the winter season in Gujarat. It is a type of vegetable stew where all kinds of vegetables are kept in a clay pot. Then some fresh spices are added to it, and the pot is sealed. This stew is then cooked by keeping the pot upside down, between hot coals. This cooks the vegetables very slowly, and the cooking happens in the fields. Undhiya is eaten with bajra rotis which are freshly cooked on the chulha (stove made of clay). People also enjoyed homemade curd, butter and buttermilk with this dish.

Q2: How Did Damjibhai Protect His Seeds Every Year from Insects and Other Damages?

Ans: Every year, Damjibhai would keep aside some seeds from good crops. This way, the seeds went on from generation to generation. The good seeds would be placed inside dried lauki (bottle gourd), and the lauki was coated with mud. However, that year, when there was a good bajra crop, Damjibhai decided to protect the seeds by keeping them in a wooden box which he made. He put some neem leaves in the box to protect the seeds from insects. Different seeds were put in different compartments of the box.

Q3: What are the challenges faced by the farmers according to Chapter 19 of Class 5 EVS?

Ans: Some of the major challenges to farmers include irregularity of land distribution, infertile soil, lack of fertiliser and pesticides, climatic changes, and corrupted agricultural product marketing. Farmers are the true superheroes for they fight with climatic issues, corruption issues, financial issues and still deliver us the best quality products. Farmers are in a constant battle to protect their crops from pests, environmental damage, and getting the best value for them. 

Q4: What are various types of farming according to Chapter 19 of Class 5 EVS?

Ans: Farming can be categorized into three categories: traditional, semi-commercial, and commercial. Traditional methods focus on the oldest versions of farming like shifting cultivation. The semi-commercial method is further divided into cropping systems and mixed systems. Lastly, commercial methods can be split up into perennial and livestock methods. All of these methods vary significantly from each other. The reason is that the end goal for each method is different from the other. Commercial methods need more labour, machinery, and equipment than traditional ones. You can find a detailed explanation of this chapter on Vedantu. 

Q5: What is the importance of agriculture according to Chapter 19 of Class 5 EVS?  

Ans: Without food it would be impossible to survive, right? Thus, agriculture is one way of generating crop produce and other edible materials important for the survival of mankind. India is a country with a maximum share of its GDP arising from the agricultural unit. In such a situation, agriculture not only provides a mode of occupation to a large number of the population but also helps in economic growth and stability. 

Q6: What are the latest developments in the agriculture sector according to Chapter 19 of Class 5 EVS? 

Ans: There has been a considerable change in the farming techniques and methods over the past few years. Due to development in genetic and biotechnology studies, we can now build good quality seeds which are disease resistant and pest resistant. Tractors and irrigation systems are also a boon to the farmers. Free soil testing allows the farmer to know more about the quality of his/her land. Other government policies and schemes are also working for the overall betterment of the farmers. 

Q7: Why must we respect food and not misuse it according to Chapter 19 of Class 5 EVS? 

Ans: Food is the supreme source of energy. It is nearly impossible to live without food. Thus it is a necessity to beware of not wasting food unnecessarily. A farmer has to deal with lots of stress throughout the year to generate a plate of meals for us. Therefore one must always respect the hardships of a farmer and never waste food. If we consistently throw food in waste bins we are indirectly welcoming newer diseases and famines. To avoid such situations it would be mindful to eat the amount which suffices your hunger and not waste any of it. A complete explanation of Chapter 19 is available on Vedantu.