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NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 - Super Senses

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NCERT Solutions for EVS Chapter 1 Super Senses Class 5 - FREE PDF Download

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 - Super Senses provides clear and easy-to-understand explanations to help you learn about our amazing senses. From sight to touch and everything in between, this chapter explores how our senses work and why they are important. Class 5 EVS NCERT Solutions are designed to make learning fun and interactive, helping you understand how we perceive the world through our senses. Class 5th EVS Chapter 1 Question Answer offers detailed explanations and answers to help students grasp these concepts thoroughly and confidently.

Table of Content
1. NCERT Solutions for EVS Chapter 1 Super Senses Class 5 - FREE PDF Download
2. Glance on Class 5 Science Chapter 1 Super Senses
3. Access NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 - Super Senses
4. EVS Class 5 Chapter 1 PDF - Quick Overview of Detailed Structure of Topics
5. Benefits of Referring to Vedantu’s Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 Questions and Answers
6. NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS | Chapter-wise List
7. Other NCERT Study Resources for Class 5 EVS

Download the FREE PDF of NCERT EVS Class 5 Chapter 1 Question Answer prepared by Vedantu Master Teachers and updated according to the Class 5 EVS syllabus. Start with Vedantu to pursue a path of academic excellence!

Glance on Class 5 Science Chapter 1 Super Senses

  • Super Senses Class 5 helps students learn about the five senses and how they help us experience the world around us.

  • From sight and hearing to taste, touch, and smell, Class 5th EVS Chapter 1 delves into each sense and understands how they work. 

  • It helps students discover why our senses are crucial for survival and how they help us interact with our environment.

  • The NCERT Class 5 Science Chapter 1 Question Answer clearly explains all topics, ensuring thorough exam preparation. 

  • It also helps students to develop proficiency in understanding the different super senses of animals, enhancing observational and analytical skills.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 - Super Senses


1. How did the ant know that the other ants were not from this group?

Ans: Animals have different senses, like seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and feeling. Ants use these senses to recognise that other ants are not from their group.

2. How did the guard ant recognise this ant?

Ans: The guard ant could recognise this ant apart by using its sense of smell.


Drop some sugar, jaggery, or anything sweet on the ground. Wait until the ants come there.

1. How long did it take for the ants to come?

Ans: In just a few minutes, the ants gathered around the fallen sweets.

2. Did one ant come first or a group of ants came together?

Ans: One ant came first, and then a group of ants followed it.

3. What did the ants do with the food?

Ans: The ants took the food to their holes.

4. Where do they go from there?

Ans: The ants returned to their nest from there.

5. Do they move in a line?

Ans: Yes, one ant follows another, so they move in a line.

Now carefully, without harming the ants, block their path for a while with a pencil.

6. Now observe, how do the ants move?

Ans: Even when their path is blocked, the ants climb over the pencil and continue moving in a straight line.

7. Now can you guess why the ants behaved like that when you blocked their path?

Ans: As the ants move, they leave a smell on the ground. Other ants follow this smell to find their way. So, when their path was blocked, the ants tried to stay on track by following the smell.

8. Have you ever been troubled by mosquitoes? Just think, how do they know where you are?

Ans: Mosquitoes can detect the smell of a human body. They also locate us by sensing the smell from the soles of our feet and the warmth of our bodies.

9. Have you seen a dog sniffing here and there? What do you think it is trying to smell?

Ans: Yes, when we see a dog sniffing around, it's trying to determine if another dog is nearby using its sense of smell.


1. In what ways do human beings make use of this special sense of smell of dogs?

Ans: Humans utilize dogs' special sense of smell to catch criminals, detect explosives, recover stolen goods, and more.

2. When do you find your sense of smell helpful to you? List some examples. Like – to know by its smell that food has gone bad or that something is burning.

Ans: In addition to detecting bad or burnt objects, we can also sense the fragrance of perfume, the scent of flowers, the smell of sweat, soaps, and detergents.

3. Name the animals that you would be able to recognise only by their smell, without seeing them.

Ans: We can identify animals like sheep, goats, cows, dogs, cats, etc., by their smell.

4. Write the names of five things whose smell you like and five things whose smell you do not like.


I like the smell of

I do not like the smell of

1. Coffee

1. Garbage

2. Flower

2. Shoes

3. Perfume

3. Dirty Clothes

4. Bread

4. Rotten Egg

5. Biryani

5. Spoiled

5. Do you and your friends have similar answers?

Ans: Yes, our answers are similar to each other.


1. Do the clothes of any of your family members smell? Whose?

Ans: Yes, my father's clothes smell of sweat when he comes in from outside.

2. Did you ever come across any smell in a crowded place such as a fair, bus, train, etc.

Ans: Yes, I could smell the smoke coming from the bus.


1. Sushila covered her nose when she cleaned Deepak’s nappy, but not when she cleaned her daughter. Why do you think she did this?

Ans: Our nose can detect both bad and good smells. When Deepak's nappy might be dirty, Sushila covered her nose. However, when it came to her daughter's nappy, Sushila didn't smell anything dirty, so she didn't cover her nose.

2. How do you feel when you walk near a heap of garbage? Think of the children who spend the whole day picking things from such garbage.

Ans: When I walk past a heap of garbage, I feel like holding my nose. Children who spend the whole day picking things from such garbage might not feel the same way as me. They are used to the smell and are not bothered by it.

3. Is a smell ‘good’ or ‘bad’ for everyone in the same way? Or does it depend on how each one feels about it?

Ans: Yes, how a person reacts to a smell can vary. However, in some cases, a bad smell is generally unpleasant for most people.


1. Write the name of a bird which has eyes in front of its head (like in humans).

Ans: An owl.

2. Write the names of some birds which have eyes on either side of the head. What is the size of their eyes as compared to the size of their head?

Ans: Birds with eyes on either side of their head include crows, pigeons, eagles, parrots, and more. Their eyes are typically small compared to the size of their head.


1. Could you see your friend’s action, without moving your neck?

Ans: No.

2. Now try to look at your friend’s action with both your eyes open but without moving your neck.

Ans: Yes.

3. What was the difference in looking with one or both eyes?

Ans: Looking at things with both eyes is better than looking with just one eye open.

4. Now toss a small ball or a coin and try to catch it. Try this with both your eyes open. Then close one eye and try to catch it. When was it easier to catch?

Ans: With both eyes open, it is easier to catch the coin when it is tossed.

5. Imagine how it would be to have your eyes in place of your ears? What would you be able to do then, which you cannot do now?

Ans: If our eyes were where our ears are, we would be able to see things to the left or right, but not directly ahead.

6. Now can you guess from what distance can an eagle in the sky can see a roti on the ground?

Ans: An eagle has incredibly strong vision. It can spot a piece of bread on the ground even from two kilometers away.


1. The names of ten animals whose ears can be seen.

Ans: Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Horse, Elephant, Cow, Fox, Lion, Deer and Mouse

2. The names of some animals whose ears are bigger than our ears.

Ans: Giraffe, cow, zebra, elephant, buffalo, etc.


1. Is there some link between the size of animals’ ears and their hearing?

Ans: Yes, animals with larger ears often have better hearing compared to animals with smaller ears. This is because larger ears can capture more sound waves and funnel them into the ear canal, allowing for enhanced detection of faint sounds and improved sensitivity to various frequencies.


1. For this activity find a quiet place in your school. Tell one of your friends to stand at a short distance and ask him to say something softly. The rest of you should listen carefully. Then all of you put your hands behind your ears, as shown in the below picture. Let the same child say something again as softly as before. In which case was the sound sharper? Ask your friends too.

The rest of you should listen carefully. Then all of you put your hands behind your ears,.png

Ans: Placing your hands behind your ears can make sounds seem sharper or louder. This is because the hands act like a funnel, directing more sound waves into your ear canal.

2. Put your hands over your ears and say something. Can you hear your own voice?

Ans: Yes.

3. Sit near a desk. Tap the desk once with your hand. Listen carefully. Now put your ear on the desk as shown in the picture. Tap on the desk once again with your hand. Listen again. Was there any difference in the sound of the tap?

Tap on the desk once again with your hand. Listen again. Was there any difference in the sound of the tap.png

Ans: When you place your ear on a desk, the sound becomes clearer and sharper. This is because the hard surface of the desk conducts sound vibrations effectively.


1. Can you understand the sounds of some animals? Which animals?

Ans: Yes, I can recognize the sounds that animals like dogs, cats, sheep, pigs, horses, and others make.

2. Do some animals understand your language? Which ones?

Ans: Yes, some pets such as dogs, cats, parrots, and cows can understand the words we say.


1. Just like birds and dolphins you can also make your own language of sounds for giving messages. Remember you have to talk to your friends with only sounds and no words. How and when will you need to give an alarm call? For example, when the teacher is coming to the classroom!

Ans: To wake up our friends when the teacher is coming to the classroom, we can make sounds like ping-ping or tik-tik. Everyone can hear these sounds and know it's time to wake up.


1. Have you noticed that during the cold season you cannot see any lizard in the house? Where do you think they have gone?

Ans: Yes, I've seen that in winter, we don't see any lizards in the house because they probably moved to a warmer place to stay safe.

2. How will you show the clock for a house-lizard in winters?

Ans: The colored part indicates the sleeping time for lizards during winter.

The colored part indicates the sleeping time for lizards during winter

3. Given here is the sleeping time of some animals. Write below each picture for how many hours a day that animal sleeps.

Write below each picture for how many hours a day that animal sleeps.png

Ans: Cow sleeps for four hours a day.

Python sleeps for eighteen hours a day.

Giraffe sleeps for two hours a day.

Cat sleeps for twelve hours a day.

4. When you see different animals, do you have any questions about them? Make a list of ten such questions.

Ans: Yes. Some of the questions 

  • How do they communicate with each other?

  • What do they eat, and how do they find their food?

  • Where do they live, and how do they build their homes?

  • How do they protect themselves from predators?

  • What is their lifespan, and how do they reproduce?

  • How do they adapt to changes in its environment?

  • What are the daily habits or routines of (specific animal)?

  • How does it use its senses to navigate its surroundings?

  • How do they contribute to its ecosystem?

  • Are there any unique behaviors or abilities that have evolved?

5. The tiger is one of the most alert animals. And yet, today tigers are in danger. What do you think are some of the dangers to tigers in the jungle?

Ans: Even today, tigers in the jungle face several dangers. The primary threat comes from hunters who kill them for their skin. Additionally, lions pose a threat to tigers because they are stronger. Tigers also face dangers such as forest fires, habitat destruction due to deforestation, and human activities.

6. Can human beings also be a threat to animals? How?

Ans: Yes, humans pose a significant threat to animals. The growing human population has resulted in widespread deforestation, which diminishes natural habitats for wildlife. Sadly, humans also hunt animals for their valuable parts; deer for their skin, elephants for their tusks, rhinos for their horns, and tigers for their skin are just a few examples. These activities endanger many species and disrupt ecosystems worldwide.


1. Where are other such National Parks in India?

Ans: Some of the National Parks in India are:

  • Ranthambore National Park

  • Kaziranga National Park

  • Sundarbans National Park

  • Bandhavgarh National Park

  • Gir National Park

  • Kanha National Park

  • Pench National Park

  • Tadoba National Park

  • Periyar National Park

2. Collect information on these and write a report.

Ans: A country rich in diversity supports a wide variety of wildlife. India is home to some of the most stunning animals, including the majestic Bengal tiger, the Asiatic lion, the Asian elephant, the Indian rhinoceros, and the sloth bear. India boasts over 200 national parks and 540 wildlife sanctuaries spread across nearly every state, each hosting diverse flora and fauna.


1. Have you noticed that sometimes singers put their hand on their ear when they sing? Why do you think they may be doing this?

Ans: Yes, I've noticed that singers sometimes place their hands on their ears to block out external noise and hear their own voices more clearly.

2. Give examples of animals that may have a very strong sense of sight, hearing or smell.



  • Eagle: Known for its exceptional vision, eagles can spot prey from very high altitudes.

  • Owl: Owls have excellent night vision and can see in low-light conditions.


  • Bat: Bats rely heavily on echolocation, using sound waves to navigate and locate prey in the dark.

  • Elephant: Elephants can hear infrasound, very low-frequency sounds that travel long distances, helping them communicate over large areas.


  • Dog: Dogs have an incredible sense of smell, which they use for tracking, detecting explosives and drugs, and even identifying medical conditions in humans.

  • Bear: Bears have a strong sense of smell that helps them locate food sources like berries, fish, and carcasses from long distances.

EVS Class 5 Chapter 1 PDF - Quick Overview of Detailed Structure of Topics


Topics of Super Senses Class 5


How did the ant recognise a friend?


Do animals see colours?


Sharp ear


Sounds send messages

Benefits of Referring to Vedantu’s Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 Questions and Answers

  • Vedantu’s Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 Question Answer provides detailed explanations of fundamental concepts such as the five senses, how they work, and their importance in daily life.

  • These solutions ensure a thorough understanding of how our senses help us perceive and interact with our environment.

  • Students receive clear, step-by-step answers that clarify complex concepts related to sensory perception, making learning engaging and effective.

  • Super Senses Of Animals Class 5 includes diagrams and illustrations that make learning about senses more visual and easier to grasp.

  • Vedantu’s Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 NCERT Solutions are aligned with the NCERT textbook, covering all topics in the syllabus and following the CBSE curriculum guidelines.

  • They include practice questions and answers that help students prepare thoroughly for exams and assessments.

  • Vedantu’s EVS Class 5 Chapter 1 Question Answer is a valuable resource for students to deepen their understanding of sensory experiences and excel in their studies.

Along with Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 Questions And Answers, you can also refer to Class 5 Super Senses Revision Notes.


Vedantu’s Class 5th EVS Chapter 1 Question Answer Super Senses offers a clear pathway to understanding how our senses work and connect us to the world. It emphasises the importance of observing and appreciating our senses—sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Class 5 Science Chapter 1 Question Answer provides step-by-step explanations for each question, helping students grasp concepts easily. Focusing on practical examples and activities that enhance sensory awareness is crucial. Previous year question papers typically include around five questions related to this chapter, covering topics like sensory organs, their functions, and the significance of senses in daily life. Super Senses Of Animals Class 5 solutions are essential for thoroughly preparing and understanding our sensory abilities.

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS | Chapter-wise List

Other NCERT Study Resources for Class 5 EVS

For complete preparation of EVS for CBSE Class 5 exams, check out the following links for different study materials available at Vedantu.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 - Super Senses

1. Which animal is considered to be having the strongest power sense?

Among other terrestrial mammals, bears have the strongest smelling sense. Black bears can travel up to eighteen miles in a straight direction to find a source of food, while the brown ones can locate a carcass underwater. In addition, polar bears can determine the smell of seals across three feet of ice.

2. Which animals are smarter – dogs or cats?

Researches have stated that dogs are relatively smarter than cats. To be precise, dogs hold 530 million cortical neurons, while the number for cats is 250 million.

3. Which organisms have super senses?

The animals which have super senses are Bats (echolocation), Platypus (electroreception), Snakes (infrared radiation detection), Catfish (sense of taste), Octopus (polarised vision), Jewel Beetles (detect the presence of fire), Cavefish (sense of hearing), African Bush Elephant (sense of smell), Bees (understanding of the magnetic field of Earth), Spiders (sensitive to touch), Mantis Shrimp (complex visual system), etc.

4. What are super senses?

Animals have senses that help them see, hear, taste, smell and feel. But these senses are more enhanced in some animals. For example, some animals can hear the faintest sounds whereas some can locate their friends just by their smell. These senses are known as super senses as they are a more amplified version of the usual senses like taste and smell. For complete details on Chapter 1 Class 5 EVS, you can visit Vedantu app or the website.

5. In what ways do human beings make use of this special sense of dogs?

Dogs mark their area and they can identify any other animal evading their area just by the smell of its excreta or urine. This way, they can be used by the army to help them detect any terrorists who might be entering the army camps or in any unwanted territory. Their sense of smell can also be used to detect drugs or weapocns by training them to do so.

6. What are the benefits of Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 Question Answer?

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 are quite beneficial to students for a comprehensive study. All of the solutions are written to follow the CBSE standards in the letter. They are created by knowledgeable specialists who are well-versed in the field. Learners may get an understanding of question patterns as well as how to compose them in order to achieve high marks. As a result, standard 5 students should go ahead and get Vedantu's Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 answer PDF. You may also see study resources on the internet.

7. How long did it take for the ant to come?

When something sweet is dropped to the ground or at any place within the reach of ants, it only takes a few minutes for an ant to come. As soon as one ant comes, the other ants follow it and they collect the sweet that was on the ground. This is because the ants have a great sense of smell and they also leave a smell when they go somewhere, this way the other ants can follow them or they can find their way back to their nest.

8. Can animals see colours?

Animals are unable to see as many colours as humans. Animals that are awake during the day are thought to be able to see some colours. Those animals who are awake at night can only view black and white images. This concept is explained in detail in Class 5 Science Chapter 1. Students can download the NCERT Solutions free of cost to study offline.

9. What are some key takeaway points from Class 5th EVS Chapter 1?

It’s important to understand that our senses are invaluable tools that connect us with our surroundings. Each sense uniquely influences our perception of the world, and caring for them ensures a healthier and more enriched life experience.

10. What main topics are covered in Class 5 Chapter 1 PDF?

Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 explores how our senses—sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell—help us experience and understand the world around us. It discusses their functions, importance, and how we can care for them.