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NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Maths Chapter 9 - Halves And Quarters

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Class 4 Chapter 9 Maths NCERT Solutions for Halves and Quarters

NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 9 – Halves and Quarters, designed by experienced teachers and subject experts as per the latest syllabus of NCERT (CBSE) are available on this page On Vedantu’s platform, you will find all the solutions for the exercise questions given in the textbook. Notes for this chapter are also available, which will help you to revise the complete topic thoroughly and score good marks in your exams. Vedantu has very well structured study materials and reference notes with lots of worksheets and mock tests. These tests and worksheets will help you to improve your scores in the exams. 

You can practice and verify your answers with NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 9 – Halves and Quarters offered by Vedantu. You can choose the topic you think you are weak in and prepare it thoroughly for your exams at a pace that suits you. You can also take the help of our qualified and experienced teachers if you want to clear any doubt relating to the topic. They are available in pdf format and you can download them on your phone, computers, laptop and any other device. The teachers have researched extensively and developed the NCERT Solutions Maths in step-to-step method and they are self-explanatory.


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Class 4 Maths

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Chapter 9 - Halves And Quarters


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Access NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Maths Chapter 9- Halves and Quarters

1. Half-Half If the cats ask you to divide the chapati equally, how will you divide it?

Ans: First fold the chapati into equal half to get the line and then cut it in two halves along that line.

Equally divided chapati into half-half

2. Half of Half If two more cats come for food, how will you divide one chapati equally for four cats? 

Ans: I will first divide the chapati into half and further divide the halves into its half.

Chapati divided into four

3. Half of Many Pieces Rani got a chocolate. She divided it equally and gave half to her friend Reena. • Circle the portion that Reena got. How many pieces of chocolate are there? _______ How many pieces were left with Rani? _______

Pieces of chocolate


Divided chocolate into half

If Rani divided the chocolate and gave half to her friend then she must be left with $6/2 = 3$ chocolates as there are $6$ pieces in the chocolate.

4. Draw different shapes using these triangles. One such shape is shown here. 

Two Triangle

Ans: Arrange the tiles in such a way that the 2 sides of the triangle form the one diagonal of rectangle.

Two different shapes using triangle

5. In how many different ways can you cut a rectangle into half? • Draw $5$ different ways. 


Can you check if they are equal? 


Rectangle devided into half

Yes, they are equal.

6. In how many different ways can you cut a rectangle into four equal parts? Draw $5$ different ways. 


Can you check if they are equal?


Rectangle in four equal parts

Yes, they are equal.

7. Cutting the Cake:

Rajni’s father brought a cake. She divided the cake into $4$ equal parts — for herself, her brother Raju, her father and her mother.

A cake divided into 4 equal parts

Colour each share with different colours. How much does each get? ________


Shaded pieces of cake

There are a total of $4$ parts. If each of them gets one piece out of four then each one gets $\dfrac{1}{4}$ of the cake. 

8. Mother gave her share of cake to Rajni. Now colour the total part that Rajni will get.

A cake Divided into 4 equal parts

Ans:  The part that rajni gets is colored in red.

The part that rajni gets is colored in red

9. Out of $4$ parts Rajni will get _________ parts, which is equal to half of the cake. So, she can write it as $\dfrac{}{4}$ or $\dfrac{1}{2}$.

Ans: Rajni will get $2$ parts out of $4$, that is equal to half of the cake. So, she can write it as either $\dfrac{2}{4}$ or $\dfrac{1}{2}$.


10. Colour the share Raju got.

A cake dived into 4 pieces

Ans: The part that Raju gets is colored in green.

The part that Raju gets is colored in green

11. How much of the cake do Rajni and Raju together get? Colour their total share. Altogether they get $3$ parts out of $4$, so we can write it as

A cake divided into 4 piece

Ans: If Rajni and Raju together get $3$ parts out of $4$ parts then we can write it as $\dfrac{3}{4}$.

Rajni and Raju together get 3/4 parts of cake

12. One day he wants to eat pumpkin halwa (sweet dish). He tries to buy a big pumpkin with only $Rs10$. He asks the first pumpkin seller the price of a big pumpkin. First pumpkin-seller : $\dfrac{1}{4}$ of this pumpkin is for $Rs10$.

This full pumpkin will cost Rs __________. 

Ans: If the price of $\dfrac{1}{4}$th of the pumpkin is $Rs10$ then the cost of full pumpkin 

$ = 4 \times Rs10 = Rs40$.

Thus a full pumpkin will cost $Rs40$.


13. Kundu walks to the next seller and looks for a pumpkin of the same size. 

Kundu: How much of this pumpkin will I get for $Rs10$

Second pumpkin-seller: Half. 

This full pumpkin will cost Rs _________. 

Ans: If the cost for half pumpkin is $Rs10$ then the cost of full pumpkin 

$ = 2 \times Rs10 = Rs20$

Thus a full pumpkin will cost $Rs20$.

14.Using a price list 


Price in Rs(per kg)











a. How much does $\dfrac{1}{2}kg$ of tomatoes cost? 

Ans: If the price of $1kg$ tomatoes is $Rs8$ then the cost of $\dfrac{1}{2}kg$ tomatoes $ = \dfrac{8}{2} = Rs4$. 

Cost of $\dfrac{1}{2}kg$ of tomatoes is $Rs4$. 

b. Which costs more – $\dfrac{1}{2}kg$ of onions or $\dfrac{1}{4}kg$ of carrots? 

Ans: If the price for $1kg$ onions is $Rs10$ then the price of $\dfrac{1}{2}kg$ onions $ = Rs\dfrac{{10}}{2} = Rs5$. 

Similarly the price for $1kg$ carrots is $Rs16$ then the price of $\dfrac{1}{4}kg$ carrots $ = Rs\dfrac{{16}}{4} = Rs4$. 

Therefore, $\dfrac{1}{2}kg$ of onions will cost more. 

c. What is the price of $\dfrac{3}{4}kg$ of potatoes? 

Ans: If the price of one kg of potatoes is $Rs12$ then the price of $\dfrac{3}{4}kg$ of potatoes $ = Rs12 \times \dfrac{3}{4} = Rs9$. 

Thus, the price of $\dfrac{3}{4}kg$ of potato is $Rs9$. 

d. Keerthi is going shopping. She has only $Rs20$ with her. Can she buy all the things in her shopping list?

Ans: If the cost of $1kg$ of potato is $Rs12$ then the cost of $\dfrac{1}{2}kg$ potato is $Rs6$. 

If the cost of $1kg$ pumpkin is $Rs4$ then the cost of $2kg$ pumpkin is $Rs8$. 

If the cost of $1kg$ carrot is $Rs16$ then the cost of $\dfrac{1}{4}kg$ carrot is $Rs4$. 

The total amount $ = Rs6 + Rs8 + Rs4 = Rs18$.

Keerthi can buy all of the things of her shopping list. 

e. Make two questions yourself from the price list. 

Ans: i. How much money will she save after buying all the things mentioned in her list? 

ii. How many extra potatoes can she buy from the money left?

15. Practice Time: What part of the whole is coloured? Write below each shape.

Shaded Parts of shape


2/4th and 1/2

                   Two-fourth                                          Half

16. Practice Time Colour that part of the shape which is written below.

Un shaded part of the shape


Shaded Parts

17. Cut in half. Draw a line which divides these shapes into half.

Several Shapes


Shapes divided into half

18. Colour half the number of shapes as shown here.

Number of shapes


Shaded half the number of shapes

19. Colour $\dfrac{1}{4}$ of these shapes.

Several shapes


Coloured $\dfrac{1}{4}$ of the shapes

20. Match the coloured part as shown.

Un matched coloured part


Matched coloured part

21. Make the other half $\dfrac{1}{2}$ of the picture is drawn here. Can you complete the picture by drawing the other half?

Half of some picture


Completed the picture

22. This is a quarter of a picture. Can you complete it? How many more quarters will you draw to complete it? ___________ 

A quarter of a picture


Completed picture

23. Half and Quarter of a Metre Using your metre scale, cut a string of one metre. 

On this string, mark the length $\dfrac{1}{2}$metre, $\dfrac{1}{4}$metre and $\dfrac{3}{4}$metre. 

Using your string, draw a line of length $\dfrac{1}{2}$metre on the floor. How many centimetres long is the line? ___________ Remember, $1metre = 100cm$ So 

$\dfrac{1}{2}metre =$ 

$\dfrac{1}{4}metre =$

$\dfrac{3}{4}metre =$

Can you see that when we add $\dfrac{1}{2}$ and $\dfrac{1}{4}$ we get $\dfrac{3}{4}$? 

Ans: $1metre = 100cm$ Line of 

$\dfrac{1}{2}m = \dfrac{{100}}{2}cm = 50cm$

$\dfrac{1}{4}m = \dfrac{{100}}{4}cm = 25cm$

$\dfrac{3}{4}m = 100 \times \dfrac{3}{4}cm = 75cm$

24. Sharing Milk This bottle is full of milk and it holds one litre. The milk is put into $4$ other bottles so that each bottle has $\dfrac{1}{4}$litre of milk. Shade the bottles to show the level of milk in each.

Milk bottle with full of milk

Remember, $1litre = 1000millilitres$. How many millilitres of milk does each bottle have? _________


Millilitres of milk

$1litre = 1000millilitres$

Each bottle has $1000ml \div 4 = 250ml$  

Thus, each bottle contains $250ml$ milk. 

25. Sharing Milk Shan poured $1$ litre of milk into two bottles so that the first bottle holds $\dfrac{3}{4}$litre and the other holds $\dfrac{1}{4}$litre.

1 litre of milk into two bottles

Shade the level of milk in each bottle. • How many millilitres of milk does each bottle hold?

Ans: $1litre = 1000 millilitres$

First bottle has $1000 \times \dfrac{3}{4}ml = 750ml$of milk 

Second botte has $1000ml \div 4 = 250ml$ of milk.


Different Weights

Balance the Weight

Balance the Weight


We know, $1kg = 1000g$. So, $2kg = 2000g$. We can make the combination in several ways: 

i. We can take $500 + 500 + 250 + 250 + 250 + 200 + 50 = 2000g$ 

ii. We can take $500 + 500 + 1kg = 2000g$ 

Balanced weight of 2kg

iii. We can take $1kg + 250 + 250 + 250 + 200 + 50 = 2000g$ 


Different weights

Balance the Weight 

In how many different ways can you balance this weight of $\dfrac{3}{4}kg$?

Balancing the weight of $\dfrac{3}{4}kg$

a. ………………… b. ………………… c. …………………

Ans: We know $1kg = 1000g$


$\dfrac{1}{4}kg = 1000 \div 4 = 250g$ 

$\dfrac{3}{4}kg = 250g \times 3 = 750g$ 

Below are the possible combinations: 

a. $500g + 250g + 50g = 750g$ 

b. $250g + 250g + 250g = 750g$ 

c. $250g + 250g + 200g + 50g = 750g$ 

28. Practice Time:

There are $60$ mangoes. $\dfrac{1}{2}$ of them are ripe. How many mangoes are ripe? There are $32$ children $\dfrac{1}{2}$ of which are girls. How many children are boys? There are $20$ stars. A quarter of them are red. How many stars are red? How many are not red? Ravi wants a pencil. It costs$Rs2$. He gives a one-rupee coin, one half-rupee coin and one quarter-rupee coin. Is it enough?


Ans: ${\text{Number of total mangoes}} = 60$ 

If $\dfrac{1}{2}$ of them are ripe then, the number of ripe mangoes$ = 60 \div 2 = 30$.

Thus, $30$ mangoes are ripe. 

${\text{Total number of children}} = 32$ 

If $\dfrac{1}{2}$ of them are girls then the other half are boys. 

Number of boys $ = 32 \div 2 = 16$  

Thus, there are $16$ boys out of $32$ children. 

${\text{Total number of stars}} = 20$ 

If quarter of stars are red then number of red stars$ = 20 \div 4 = 5$. 

Thus, $5$ stars are red. 

Number of non-red stars$ = 20 - 5 = 15$

${\text{Cost of a pencil}} = Rs2$ 

We know $\operatorname{Re} 1$ is equal to $100$paisa. So, $Rs2 = 200paise$. 

Ravi gave: 

$\operatorname{Re} 1 = 100paise$, 

$\dfrac{1}{2}$ of $\operatorname{Re} 1 = \dfrac{1}{2} \times 100 = \dfrac{{100}}{2} = 50paise$.  

 $\dfrac{1}{4}$ of $\operatorname{Re} 1 = \dfrac{1}{4} \times 100 = \dfrac{{100}}{4} = 25paise$. 

Total amount given by Ravi$ = 100 + 50 + 25 = 175paise$. 

No, the amount given is not enough. Ravi needs to give $200$paise.

NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Maths Chapter 9 - Halves And Quarters

Glimpses of Class 4 Maths Chapter 9 Halves and Quarters

In Class 4 Maths Chapter 9 – Halve and Quarters, you will be learning how to divide something whole into two parts or more than two parts. This lesson is in the form of a story.  Mintu and Mottu cats were two friends. Once they stole a chapati but could not share it because they did not know how to divide it into two. So they started fighting with each other. Tittu, another monkey came and tried to divide the chapatti into two but even he couldn’t and he tricked Mintu and Mottu and ate the whole chapati. 

What if this happens with you? Let us understand the concept of Halve and Quarters. 


When something is divided into two equal parts, each part is called a half. It is written as  ½  and read as ‘one by two’.

Observe how your mother cuts an apple. She cuts the apple into two equal parts. 

Half of Half

Half of Half Means Quarter. When you have to divide something whole into four equal parts then it is called quarter of the whole. Each part is called quarter or one-fourth of the whole. 

It is written as 1/4 and read as ‘one by four’.

What if we take 2 or 3 parts? Simple! We get two-fourth or three-fourth. 

If we divide a whole thing into 8 equal parts, each part is one-eighth of the whole. It is written as ⅛ and read as ‘one by eight’.        

Now do you understand how your pizza is divided equally? Next time when you order your favourite pizza, then you observe the pizza slices. They are divided equally into four or six or eight depending on the size of the pizza. 

Do you want to know what these half, quarter, two-fourth or three-fourths called? We call them fractions. 

A fraction has a numerator and denominator. 

For Example:  1 --> the upper part of the fraction is called the numerator.

              2 --> the down part of the fraction is called the denominator.

It can also be read as ‘ 1 by 2’. 

Let us understand how we use this concept in real life application.

We take 8 stickers.  ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣

Now divide the collection of stickers into two parts.    ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣

                                            ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣

How many does each part have? 4

Therefore half of 8 stickers is 4 stickers or ½  of 8 = 4

A simple way to find ½  of 8 is to divide 8 by 2. 8 ÷ 2 = 4

Now you will surely be able to solve all the questions given in the chapter. Next time when you go to the market to buy vegetables, you can quickly calculate the cost of half a kg of potatoes. 

Why should you use Vedantu for NCERT Solutions of Class 4 Maths Chapter 9 Halves and Quarters

Key Features of NCERT Solutions, These solutions are designed to help students achieve good understanding in their studies. They are made by experienced educators who master in teaching Class 4 Maths. Some of the features include:

  • Detailed explanations for each exercise and questions, giving a deeper understanding of the subject.

  • Clear and easy to read presentation for easy understanding.

  • Correct answers aligned with the curriculum, boosting students' confidence in their knowledge.

  • Visual aids like diagrams and illustrations to simplify difficult concepts.

  • Additional tips and insights to enhance students' performance.

  • Chapter summaries for quick revision.

  • Online accessibility and downloadable resources for flexible study and revision.


The NCERT Solutions for class 4 chapter 9 Halves and Quarters, provided by Vedantu, is a great tool for Class 4 students. It helps introduce Maths concepts in an accessible manner. The provided solutions and explanations simplify difficult ideas, making it easier for Class 4 Students to understand the material. By using Vedantu's resources, Students can develop a deeper understanding of NCERT concepts. These solutions are a helpful aid for class 4 students, helping them to excel in their studies and develop a genuine interest for Halves and Quarters. 

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Maths Chapter 9 - Halves And Quarters

1. What do you understand by half and quarter?

When something is divided into two equal parts, each part is called a half. When you divide something whole into four equal parts then it is called quarter of the whole.

2. Why should I choose Vedantu to prepare for the exams?

The concepts for NCERT solutions for Maths for Class 4 are very well crafted and they are very comprehensive to help students understand in a very simple way. Our study materials give a very clear idea about the concepts and help to develop a strong conceptual foundation. The Class 4 NCERT solutions cover all the exercises from the NCERT books in Maths. 

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NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Maths and its reference notes per topic are available on Vedantu’s official website. They are available in pdf format and you can download them on your phone, computers, laptop and any other device. The teachers have researched extensively and developed the NCERT Solutions Maths in step-to-step method and they are self-explanatory. The students can revise and solve as many questions to master the topic.

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Vedantu is an excellent academic platform where you can find skilled and experienced teachers and subject-experts. They are offering students to download NCERT Solutions Class 4 Maths PDF free. Students can easily have access to these materials to develop their understanding about the concepts of various topics. The teachers are always available to clear the doubts of the students. They are very friendly and they are experienced to understand the pulse of the students and guide them accordingly. Vedantu online academic is a very user-friendly platform and students can avail the benefits from anywhere in the world at their convenient time. 

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 These PDF solutions are the perfect companion for your studies and cost you absolutely nothing. These are also available on the Vedantu mobile app.

6. Is Chapter 9  of Class 4 Maths easy?

Class 4 Chapter 9 Mathematics contains simple and interesting chapters perfectly suited for the required age group. Students will find the syllabus appealing as it is taught in a fun-filled and gripping manner. The syllabus designed for Class 4 consists of important foundational concepts necessary to be proficient in Mathematics in daily lives.

Thus it is incumbent upon the students to make efforts in understanding them.

In case students find any obstacles in their studies, they can always refer to Vedantu's several study resources for added help.

7. What is a good way to explain Chapter 9  of Class 4 Maths to students?

Young students require proper guidance from teachers and parents for their studies, especially in Mathematics. However, parents might often be befuddled looking for the correct approach to teach. Vedantu is here to help! 

  • Look at some simple explanations for textbook topics. You can refer to Vedantu's explanations for the same.

  • Refer to some conceptual videos that explain the concepts using attractive animations.

  • Let your child attend Vedantu's free masterclasses for specific topics.

  • Teach the children using various interactive activities.

8. What is the objective of Chapter 9 “Halves and Quarters?”

Chapter 9 “Halves and Quarters" lets children explore the important concept of dividing stuff into halves, quarters, three-fourths, etc. This is a vital concept that has infinite real-time applications. It is used widely for dividing various important things. Moreover, this concept will be built upon with more content in later classes. Thus students need to pay special attention to this chapter as it will be very useful to them later.  They can refer to Vedantu's explanations of the chapter Vedantu's NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Mathematics Chapter 9. The solutions are free of cost and also available on Vedantu Mobile app.

9. What types of questions are asked in  Chapter 9 “Halves and Quarters?”

Class 4 Mathematics chapters contain several activities and interactive questions to strengthen the concepts efficiently in young students' minds.

Chapter 9 of Class 4 also consists of various types of activities, thinking questions, puzzles, etc. Such a variety of exercises helps the children to get the essence of the chapter well. Each of these questions is explained in Vedantu's NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Mathematics Chapter 9. Extra information on the chapter and its objective is also provided below these solutions to enhance your overall learning experience.