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NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Maths Chapter 10 - Play With Patterns

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Class 4 Chapter 10 Maths NCERT Solutions for Play with Patterns free PDF Download

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NCERT Solutions for Class 4


Class 4 Maths

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Chapter 10 - Play With Patterns


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NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Maths Chapter 10 Play With Patterns

1. Can you see how Tinu has made different patterns using the same block? Now you too make 3 different patterns using

One Block

Pattern 1.

Pattern 2.

Pattern 3.

Ans: In this question we have to make 3 patterns such that they repeat after some blocks. So, the reference patterns are as follows.

Pattern 1:

One type of pattern of same block

Pattern 2.

Pattern 2

Pattern 3.

Pattern 3

The answer may vary from student to student.  The answer provided here is only for reference.

2. Yamini has used her blocks to make a few patterns. Help her to take these patterns forward.

Yamini's block one

Yamini's block two

Yamini's block three


Pattern 1:

In this pattern the leaf is rotated by 90 degrees each time as we move forward and attached to the previous one until we get the same pattern as 1st. so this pattern continues as follows.

Leaf is rotated by 90 degrees each time as we move forward and attached to the previous one until we get the same pattern as 1st

Pattern 2:

In this pattern in the 1st row 1 column there are 2 sticks having an upward arrow and in the 1st row 2 column there are 2 sticks having a downward arrow and the pattern continues with an increase of 1 stick having one upward and 1 downward pattern respectively. So this pattern continues as follows.

1st row 1 column there are 2 sticks having an upward arrow and in the 1st row 2 column there are 2 sticks having a downward arrow and the pattern continues with an increase of 1 stick having one upward and 1 downward pattern respectively

Pattern 3:

As we move forward in this pattern we see that the circle is rotated by 90 degrees each time. So this pattern continues as follows.

The circle is rotated by 90 degrees each time

3. We can also make patterns with numbers and letters. Below are a few examples. Can you take them forward?

Empty patterns with numbers and letters

Ans: Pattern 1: In this pattern the alphabets of the English language are written in the pair of 3 alphabets in one. So this pattern continues as follows.

The alphabets of the English language are written in the pair of 3 alphabets in one

Pattern 2: In this pattern the counting and the alphabet’s both are in reverse order as we move forward. So this pattern continues as follows.

The counting and the alphabet’s both are in reverse order as we move forward

Pattern 3: In this pattern the upcoming triangle is filled by a number which is obtained by subtracting 100 from the previous one. So this pattern continues as follows.

The upcoming triangle is filled by a number which is obtained by subtracting 100 from the previous one

Pattern 4: In this pattern the upcoming triangle is filled by a number which is obtained by adding 100 in the previous one. So this pattern continues as follows.

The upcoming triangle is filled by a number which is obtained by adding 100 in the previous one

4. Now write your own number patterns.

Empty boxes for pattern

Empty boxes for pattern

Ans: In this question, we have to make our own number patterns. This pattern are for

Reference only.

Pattern 1:

      In this pattern, we start with 100 and add 100 as we move forward.

Started with 100 and added 100 as moving forward

Pattern 2:

       In this pattern, we start with 850 and subtract 100 as we move forward.

Started with 850 and subtracted 100 as moving forward

The answer may vary from student to student.  The answer provided here is only for reference.

5. Make a pattern without numbers.

Ans: In this question, we have to make a pattern which does not contain the numbers. 

So, In this pattern we write English alphabets in pairs of 2.







The answer may vary from student to student.  The answer provided here is only for reference.

6. Now you try writing the letters – A, B, C in the box so that no letter comes twice in any line.

Ans:In this question, we have to fill the above squares with the letter’s A, B, and C. Such that no letter comes twice in any line. So, the pattern is as follows.










The answer may vary from student to student.  The answer provided here is only for reference.

7. Now you fill these stars. Use numbers 1-9 and the rule that the number on each line adds up to 15.

Empty Stars

Ans: In this question, we have to fill the above stars with the numbers 1 to 10. Such that the number on each line adds up to 15. So, the pattern is as follows.

Filled stars such that he number on each line adds up to 15

The answer may vary from student to student.  The answer provided here is only for reference.

8. Now use numbers 1-6 to make your own magic triangle. Rule: numbers on each side must add up to 10.

Empty magic triangle

Ans: In this question, we have to fill the above stars with the numbers 1 to 6. Such that the number on each side adds up to 10. So, the pattern is as follows.

Filled Magic triangle such that the number on each side adds up to 10

The answer may vary from student to student.  The answer provided here is only for reference.

9. Now you write any number and the three numbers after that. Make a pattern using the rule.
















Ans: In this question, it is given that we have to write the numbers in series and we can start that series with any number. Such that the additional table given makes a rule for this particular question. So the pattern is as follows. And the rule is that the sum of the first and last number and the sum of 2nd and 2nd last number is equal in this case the sum in 15.
















The answer may vary from student to student.  The answer provided here is only for reference.

10. Using the same rule. Complete these number towers.

Empty Towers


Pattern 1:

In this pattern, the rule is that the sum of numbers in the lower 2 circles is the number in the upper circle. So the pattern continues as follows.

The sum of numbers in the lower 2 circles is the number in the upper circle

Pattern 2:

In this pattern, the rule is that the sum of numbers in the lower 2 squares is the number in the squares. So the pattern continues as follows.

The sum of numbers in the lower 2 squares is the number in the squares

11. Now, you try to make such a pattern with 5 numbers in order.

Empty boxes

Ans: In this question, we have to make a pattern such that the sum of the first 5 numbers of a row is equal to the 6th number. And that 5 numbers and the respective sum also makes a pattern itself. So, the pattern is as follows.

Pattern showing sum of the first 5 numbers of a row is equal to the 6th number

The answer may vary from student to student.  The answer provided here is only for reference.

12. Complete this list of letters and numbers to help you.





















































Ans: In this question, it is clearly seen that the 1st row continues with English alphabets and the 2nd row continues with the numbers of that alphabet according to the English language. So the pattern is as follows.





















































13. Teenu wants to write to his friend ‘Good Morning’. What will he write by using the same rule?

Empty cells which Teenu wants to write Good Morning

Ans: In this question, we have to follow the rule of the previous question.


G=7; O=15; O=15; D=4

And M=13; O15; R=18; N=14; I=9; N=14; G=7;

So, by using the same rule ‘Good Morning’ is written as.

Good Morning is written

14. If we change the rule and write 1 in place of ’B’, 3 in place of ‘D’ and so on, then how will we write ‘Let Us Dance’?

Empty cells by changed rule

Ans: In this question, it is mentioned that ‘B’ is coded as ‘1’ and ‘D’ is coded as ‘3’

That means the counting of letters starts from ‘0’ for this question.

So, L=11; E=4; T=19

U=20; S=18

D=3; A=26; N=13; C=2; E=4

The counting of letters starts from ‘0’ for this question

15. What was Kahuli's secret message? _______.

What did shablu and jaggu write?


Use the same rule to write- ‘Meet me on the moon’.


Make different rules and ask your friends to crack the secret message.

Ans: We are friends.

Shablu wrote “hello! How are you?” on his right hand and will you play with me? On her left hand. 

Jaggu also wrote 2 messages, one is “Fine, thank you” and the other one is “Yes”!

‘Meet me on the moon’ is written as ‘NFFU NF PO UIF NPPO’.

16. Now, Anisha is playing with this card. Draw what it will look like when upside down.

Anisha is playing with this card

Ans:After changing the orientation of the card by 180 degrees the card will look like this.

Orientation of the card by 180 degrees

17. Now, you cover this floor with this tile. Can you make such a floor design with a tile like a circle?

Empty floor

Ans: After completing this pattern the floor design looks like.

Completed pattern of floor design

18. Try with this green tile without leaving a gap. Could you do it? Discuss with your friends.

Empty  floor with one green tile

Ans:After repeating this circle the pattern of green tile will look like this.

The completed pattern of green tile


Empty floor

Complete this tiling pattern.


Complete tiling pattern

20. Ramaiya has made a wall with this blocks. Can you complete this for him?

Ramaiya's wall with blocks


Ramaiya's completed wall with blocks

21. Renu began to paint this wall. Now you help her to complete it.

Renu's design of paint


Renu's completed design of paint

Glimpses of Class 4 Maths Chapter 10 – Play with Patterns

Class 4 Maths Chapter 10 – Play with Patterns, teaches us how to recognize growing and reducing patterns in pictures and numbers. You will also be able to identify the rule for growing and reducing patterns and extend the patterns using rules. 

We see patterns everywhere around us. They could be in our clothes that we wear or bed sheets or curtains in our homes or in the toys that we play, etc. So what is a pattern? Patterns are created when figures, shapes, objects, etc. are arranged in a particular order and repeated over and over again. We must have seen different kinds of patterns in our daily life. 

Let us look at the pattern below.

ΟΔ• ------ ΟΔ• ----- ΟΔ•

↑          ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

This is a Pattern      this is repeated.

Maths is full of patterns. We find patterns in alphabets, numbers, shapes, etc. 

For example: Let us see the Table of 2.

2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20,……. We are skipping each number by 2. 

Once you know the rule for a pattern you can continue the pattern. 

Growing and Reducing patterns

Picture Patterns: A picture can be made by increasing or decreasing the number of objects.

This is a growing pattern. The rule followed in the pattern is that the number of squares increases by 1 each time. 

In the next picture

(image will be uploaded soon)

This is a reducing pattern. The rule followed is that the number of circles decreases by 1 each time. 

Number Patterns: Increasing and decreasing patterns can be formed with numbers also.

Example: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ….. ? What will be the next number ?

This is a growing pattern. The rule followed is that the next number is obtained by adding 2 to the previous number. 

So, the next number is: 9 + 2 = 11.

Let us see the reducing pattern. 

Example: What is the next number in the pattern: 20, 18, 16, 14, …..?

This is a reducing pattern. The rule followed is that the next number is obtained by subtracting 2 from the previous number. 

So, the next number is: 14 – 2 = 12.

What is a Number Tower?

Number Tower is a fun puzzle for children where numbers are arranged in a tower. We start calculating from the below of the tower and get to the number at the top of the tower following the rule of pattern. 


20      28

8       12         16

Let us check how we arranged the numbers in the above tower. We start from the below and get this number pattern. Can you follow the rule of this pattern?

We added 2 numbers in the below boxes to get the number in the box above them.

We add 8 + 12 = 20; 12 + 16 = 28; 20 + 28 = 48

Same Sum Rule

In this rule, we get the same result each time when we add two numbers.

Example:  10 + 5 = 15

        11 + 4 = 15

        12 + 3 = 15

We can use the pattern in creating secret messages like coding and decoding. 

Say, we code a particular word with a pattern of numbers and then the word is decoded. This can be used when we have to send some secret message to someone. 

What are the Benefits of Using Vedantu for Class 4 Math Chapter 10 Play With Patterns?

Key Features of NCERT Solutions, These solutions are designed to help students achieve good grades in their studies. They are crafted by experienced educators who excel in teaching Class 4 Math. Some of the features include:

  • Detailed explanations for each exercise and questions, promoting a deeper understanding of the subject.

  • Clear and easy to understand presentation for easy comprehension.

  • Accurate answers aligned with the curriculum, boosting students' confidence in their knowledge.

  • Visual aids like diagrams and illustrations to simplify hard concepts.

  • Additional tips and insights to enhance students' performance.

  • Chapter summaries for quick revision.

  • Online accessibility and downloadable resources for flexible study and revision.


The NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Chapter 10 Play with Patterns, provided by Vedantu, is a great source for Class 4 students. It helps introduce Maths concepts in an accessible manner. The provided solutions and explanations simplify difficult ideas, making it easier for Class 4 Students to understand the material. By using Vedantu's resources, Students can develop a deeper understanding of NCERT concepts. These solutions are a helpful aid for Class 4 students, empowering them to excel in their studies and develop a genuine appreciation for Play with Patterns.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Maths Chapter 10 - Play With Patterns

1. What do you understand by pattern?

Patterns are created when figures, shapes, objects, etc. are arranged in a particular order and repeated over and over again.

2. How does Vedantu help score well in exams?

Vedantu provides detailed study of concepts and facts for all subjects along with NCERT solutions for each subject. You can download these study materials in pdf format available on Vedantu platform and study at your convenient time. Vedantu also has a team of experts and experienced teachers and you can always connect with them to clarify your academic doubts. You can also register online for taking Class 4 Maths tuition classes on to score good marks for forthcoming exams. 

3. How does patterns in NCERT Maths for Class 4 help children?

Recognizing patterns help children to develop mathematical and analytical skills. This will create a foundation of analyzing things that will help them to solve much tougher Mathematical questions in the higher classes.

4. What are the advantages of NCERT Solutions in Vedantu?

Vedantu has subject matter experts from CBSE background who are proficient in solving the problems as per the guidelines from the board. After an extensive research, our experienced teachers and subject experts have formulated the most accurate and appropriated NCERT solutions as per the guidelines of the Board syllabus. That is why when it comes to the quality then you can be rest assured. All the fourteen chapters in NCERT Maths for Class 4 are designed in such a way that children can strengthen their conceptual foundation and have immense confidence during the exams. 

5. Is Chapter 10 in Class 4 Maths important?

All chapters that are a part of your syllabus hold equal importance when preparing for your Class 4 Maths exam. Although, Chapter 10 - Play with Patterns is specifically essential to help students understand the concept of patterns formed by repetitions. This chapter is important to help build a student's base in applying logical reasoning to solve various problems. Identifying patterns is also helpful for students later as they appear for any competitive exams involving logical reasoning questions.

6. Where can I find accurate solutions for NCERT Questions in Chapter 10 of Class 4 Maths?

When preparing for any subject, it is important that students are provided with the study material that gives them accurate information which can help them score well. Vedantu is one of the best places when looking for accurate and well-explained answers for easily understanding and solving questions provided in Class 4 Maths. Students can easily download NCERT Solutions for Chapter 10 Class 4 Maths for free from Vedantu(, and also from the Vedantu app.

7. What is Chapter 10 in Class 4 Maths about?

Chapter 10 in Class 4 Maths is called “Play with Patterns”, and as the name suggests, this chapter is meant to help students understand various patterns that are formed by repetitive pictures, geometric figures, numbers, or alphabets. Students shall be able to solve various questions in the chapter by recognizing the growth or reduction experienced by the patterns. You can mind more about the chapter through NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Maths Chapter 10 Play With Patterns -FREE PDF. 

8. How many questions have been covered in the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 10 in Class 4 Maths?

The chapter “Play with Patterns” covers a total of 21 questions that are provided in the Class 4 Maths NCERT. These include various types of questions that require students to do the following:

  • Create new patterns using particular shapes

  • Evaluate incomplete patterns made using pictures, alphabets, or numbers, and complete them

  • Make new patterns with numbers, and alphabets

  • Creating patterns based on different conditions using numbers and alphabets.

9. Give an example from Chapter 10 in Class 4 Maths.

Students can find various examples based on Chapter 10 in Class 4 Maths available in NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Maths Chapter 10 Play With Patterns -FREE PDF. One such example of an increasing pattern can be:

Questions: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ….. ? What will be the next number?


Since this is a growing pattern, the rule to complete this pattern is that the next number is obtained by adding 2 to the previous number. 

So, the next number would be 9 + 2 = 11.