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NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 9 - Changing Families

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NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 9 - Changing Families

Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS Changing Families is the most promising study material for students to capture all the concepts of a family to the fullest. Class 4 Chapter 9 Solutions are sure to attract the children to the process of learning by its colourful illustrations. Parents need not tire themselves out to teach their young ones. CBSE Class 4 EVS Chapter 9 Solutions provide all types of solutions useful for students. Students using NCERT Solutions are sure to score better and understand concepts in depth. These materials are revised carefully.


NCERT Solutions for Class 4


Class 4 EVS

Chapter Name:

Chapter 9 - Changing Families


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Access NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 9 - Changing Families

1. Who were the members of Nimmi’s family before the arrival of her baby sister?

Ans: Before the birth of her baby sister, Nimmi's family consisted of her father, mother, grandmother, and uncle.

2. How many members are there in Nimmi’s family now?

Ans: Nimmi's family now consists of six individuals.

3. How do you think the lives of Nimmi’s family members have changed after the arrival of the new baby? For example

Ans: After the birth of the new baby, Nimmi's family's lives have changed dramatically.

a. How will Nimmi spend her day now?

Ans: Nimmi will now play with her new sibling for the rest of the day.

b. What new work will her mother do now?

Ans: Nimmi's mother will now additionally look after the new baby.

c. There will be a change in the daily work of Nimmi’s father, grandmother and uncle with the arrival of the new baby. Can you tell how?

Ans: With the arrival of the new baby, Nimmi's father, grandmother, and uncle's daily work will alter because they will now spend time with the new baby as well, playing with her, feeding her, and caring for her.

4. Has a small brother or sister been born in your home or in any house in your neighbourhood?

Ans: Yes, my home welcomed a new baby brother last week.

a. How does it feel to have a new baby at home?

Ans: When my brother was born, I was overjoyed.

b. How have things changed at home with the new baby?

Ans: Since the arrival of the new baby, many things have changed at home, such as my mother now looks after him as well, and I now spend my vacation days playing with him.

5. Find out all about the youngest child in your home or in the home of a relative. Then write

a. When was the baby born?

Ans: On the 21st of December, 2019, the baby was born.

b. Is the baby a boy or a girl?

Ans: The child will be a male.

c. How are you related to him or her?

Ans: He is my sibling.

d. Where was the baby born?

Ans: The infant was born in a medical facility.

e. Who does the baby look like?

Ans: The baby bears a striking resemblance to my father.

f. What is the colour of his or her hair?

Ans: His hair has a dark black colour.

g. What is the colour of his or her eyes?

Ans: His eyes are also black in colour.

h. Does the baby have any teeth?

Ans: No, the baby isn't missing any teeth.

i. What do we feed the baby with?

Ans: We give the baby mother's milk to eating.

j. What is the baby’s length?

Ans: The baby is around 2-3 feet long.

k. How many hours a day does the baby sleep?

Ans: He sleeps between 14 and 15 hours every day.

l. What different sounds does the baby make?

Ans: He creates a variety of sounds when he cries.

m. Who does the baby stay with most of the time?

Ans: The baby spends the majority of his time with his mother.

n. Stick a photograph of the baby or draw a picture in your notebook.


Baby Picture

6. Tsering's father showed the letter to his family. How do you think the different members would have felt?

Ans: When Tsering's father showed the letter to his family, they would have been pleased that he had received a promotion, but they would have been disappointed that they would have to relocate to a different city, far away from their friends and neighbours.


7. What will change in Tsering’s family after his father’s transfer? For example –

Ans: Tsering's family will undergo several changes as a result of his father's transfer. For example

a. Who from Tsering’s family will live with his father at the new place? Which school will Tsering go to now? Will he have new friends?

Ans: At the new location, Tsering's mother and Tsering will reside with his father. He will now attend a new school in a different city. He will, indeed, make new acquaintances.

b. Has anybody in your family moved to a new place because of work?

Ans: Because of his job, my uncle relocated to a different city.

c. What do you feel about this change?

Ans: My cousins are also leaving with him for another location, which made me upset. Now I won't be able to play with them on a daily basis.

8. Is there anyone in your class or school who has come to your school from another place? If so, talk to him or her.

Ans: Yes, there is a boy in my class or school who has travelled from another city to attend my school.

a. Where has she or he come from?

Ans: He was born in the city of Bhopal.

b. What was his or her old school like?

Ans: His old school was much larger than ours, with a spacious assembly hall.

c. What does he or she find different here?

Ans: He finds the smartboard in our class to be quite different and interesting, as there were no smart boards in his prior school.

d. Does he or she like the change?

Ans: He enjoys the change.

9. Do you think that there will be any change in Nazli’s family after this wedding? What will change?

Ans: Yes, following this wedding, there will be changes in Nazli's family. They will have a new addition to the family.

a. Do you think there will be changes in the home from where the new bride has come? What kind of changes?

Ans: Yes, the home where the new bride has arrived will undergo alterations. Her parents are going to miss her.

b. Talk to your mother and aunts in the family. Ask them about where they lived before they got married.

Ans: Before they married, my mother lived with my nanaji (grandfather) and naniji (grandmother), while my aunt lived with her parents.

c. Who were the members of their families then?

Ans: My mother's family consisted of her mother, father, and one older brother, whereas my aunts' family consisted of her mother, father, and one older sister.

d. Has anybody in your family been married recently? Who? 

Ans: Yes, my cousin recently married.

10. Talk to your classmates and write all about what happens during weddings in their families.

Ans: When I asked a Punjabi friend, he informed me that during weddings in Punjab, people go to the gurdwara early in the morning to get married.

a. What kind of special food is cooked?

Ans: Dishes such as chole curry, puri, and halwa are prepared.

b. What special clothes do the bride and bridegroom wear?

Ans: The bride dresses in a lehenga and phulkari choli, while the groom dresses in a sherwani and pagri.

c. What kinds of songs and dances are performed at weddings?

Ans: During weddings in Punjab, Punjabi folk melodies are commonly played, and the giddha dance is performed.

11. What did you see at the wedding that you attended? Draw some pictures in your notebook. Then look at the pictures drawn by your classmates.

Ans: I saw the wedding location was really tastefully adorned, the bride and groom were extremely gorgeous, and their parents were quite delighted during the wedding I attended. There was a wide variety of food and desserts available. Photographs from the wedding –

Wedding picture

12. Write down the reasons for these changes

a. In Nimmi’s family –

Ans: The arrival of a new baby sister was the catalyst for transformation in Nimmi's family.

b. In Tsering’s family –

Ans: Tsering's family changed as a result of his father's promotion and transfer.

c. In Nazli’s family –

Ans: The wedding of Nazli's oldest cousin brother was the catalyst for transformation in her family.

d. There can be many reasons for changes in families. Can you think of some more reasons?

Ans: Other reasons for family change include: 

1. Moving to another city for school.

2. A family member's death

13. Talk to three old people – one from your family, one from your friend’s family and one from a family in your neighbourhood. Ask them these questions and fill in the table.


Your Family

Friend’s Family

Neighbour’s Family

a. Since how many years has your family been staying here?

b. Where did your family live before coming here?

c. How many members are there in your family today?

d. How many members were there in your family 10 years ago?

e. What were the reasons for the changes in your family in the last 10 years?

f. How do you feel about all these changes?

g. What problems do you face with changes in technology?



Your Family

Friend’s Family

Neighbour’s Family

a. Since how many years has your family been staying here?

15 Years

10 Years

12 Years

b. Where did your family live before coming here?




c. How many members are there in your family today?

6 members

3 members

5 members

d. How many members were there in your family 10 years ago?

4 members

2 members

4 members

e. What were the reasons for the changes in your family in the last 10 years?

Birth of my brother and me

Birth of my friend

Birth of my friend

f. How do you feel about all these changes?

I feel happy

I feel happy

I feel happy

g. I'm dealing with a number of issues as a result of technological advances.

1. Most of my friends play video games at home after school and do not play outside sports with me, such as football or cricket, despite the fact that I prefer to play these sports.

2. Digital screens caused my vision to blur.

14. You had also drawn a family tree of your own family. Let us again draw the family tree of last year in your notebook.


Family tree

15. Ask your grandmother or grandfather how many members were there in their family when they were your age? Then draw a family tree in your notebook of their family when they were young.

Ans: My grandfather's family had six members when they were my age. Family tree of my grandfather’s family:

Family tree of a grandfather or a grandmother

16. Can you see yourself, your brother or your sister, your mother or your father, anywhere in this family tree?

Ans: No, this family tree does not include me, my brother or sister, mother or father.

17. Now draw a family tree of your present family in your notebook


Family tree of present family

18. Upto which class do you want to study?

Ans: I want to finish class XII and then pursue a fashion design course.

19. Upto which class have your parents studied?

Ans: My parents completed their education up to class XII and then completed their graduation.

20. Till which class did your grandmother get a chance to study?

Ans: My grandmother went to school till she was in class XII.

21. At what age did your grandmother get married?

Ans: My grandmother married when she was 21 years old.

22. Have you heard of a Law that talks about the ages before which girls and boys must not get married?

Ans: Yes, girls shall not marry before the age of 18 and boys must not marry before the age of 21.

23. Are there any such children in your neighbourhood who had to drop out of school? Do they want to go back to school?

Ans: Yes, a youngster in my area had to drop out of school because of this. Yes, he wishes to return to school.

24. What are they doing these days?

Ans: He is in the hospital because he has advanced cancer.

25. Has anybody in your family got married recently? Who?

Ans: Yes, my cousin recently got married.

26. What was the age of the bride and the groom?

Ans: The bride was 25 years old, and the groom was 28 years old.

27. What kind of dresses did they wear?

Bride ___________

Groom ___________

Ans: Bride- Lehenga and phulkari dupatta 

Groom- Sherwani and pagri

28. What kind of dishes were there? Name them.

____________ ____________ ____________

Ans: Chhole, puri, kheer, Matar paneer, rumali roti, Gulab jamoon, and other foods were served.

NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 9 Changing Families

NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS Chapter 9 - Free PDF Download 

Free PDF of Class 4 EVS Chapter 9 Solutions are available on our website and our app. Students can download them now just by a click. Vedantu provides free study materials for students, which are error-free and also attractive. The expenditure behind those costly reference books and notes can be stopped now. The colourful diagrams, crosswords, conceptual questions, etc. encourage students to develop their perspective towards a particular incident. Students will cultivate values like observation, thinking, etc. by using NCERT Solutions. The method of study adopted is analyzed in all aspects. 

NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS Chapters

Chapter 9- Changing Families

Chapter 9 Changing Families teaches students about different kinds of families around them. It deals with topics like harmony in the family, different challenges faced by families, etc. NCERT Solutions for Class 4 has added questions that students need to ask their family and relatives about certain phases of their lives. This helps students to understand their family better and create a special bond with other family members. Students are taught various values they need to possess through different exercises provided by NCERT Solutions. Students can rely on these materials to understand the chapter better.

NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter-Wise Mark Weightage 

Chapter 9 Class 4 EVS has very important topics in it from the exam point of view. Chapter 9 from Class 4 EVS has a weightage of 4 marks due to which students can’t leave this chapter unread to score better. NCERT Solutions provide topic wise questions and their weightage in the notes provided. Students need not buy unnecessary reference books for this, as NCERT Solutions for Class 4 enlists all of them. Students are made to observe things around them which is beneficial in the long run.

Why are NCERT Solutions of Class 4 EVS Chapter 9 Important?

NCERT Solutions for Class Chapter 9 holds a sense of responsibility to teach the best. To fulfil this duty, NCERT Solutions provide with most reliable answers. Students can easily revise the chapter by going through the solutions available here.

  • Colourful and attractive study materials are provided which helps students of Class 4 to have a fun way of learning.

  • Conceptual questions are included which helps in increasing the imagination of students which is useful in many fields.

  • Students are encouraged to ask questions which benefit them overcome the fear factor.

  • Simple yet informative types of questions are asked which makes it easier for students to grasp the contents.

  • Students can also view important topics in the chapter as it is highlighted throughout the notes.


The NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 9 - "Changing Families" provide valuable insights into the evolving dynamics of families in today's world. This chapter sensitively addresses the concept of changing family structures, fostering understanding and empathy among young learners. By discussing diverse family setups, it promotes inclusivity and acceptance. The solutions offered here not only align with the NCERT curriculum but also serve as a platform for discussing crucial social issues. They encourage students to reflect on their own families and appreciate the uniqueness of each one. These solutions play a vital role in nurturing open-mindedness, tolerance, and a sense of unity among students, preparing them for a more inclusive and diverse society.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 9 - Changing Families

1. List the changes that have occurred in Nimmi's and her family member's lives after the arrival of the baby.

Nimmi now has a younger sibling whom she can take care of. Nimmi is now mostly indulged in playing with her baby sister. Nimmi's mother is fully busy taking care of the baby along with Nimmi. Nimmi's father now needs to help his wife by sharing the chores at home. Her grandparents can now take care of their new granddaughter along with Nimmi and can shower all their love for them.

2. Explain the changes in Tsering's family due to his father's transfer.

Tsering's family now needs to live away from their relatives. His father needs to adapt to the new work environment and manage the family. His mother is now relatively alone in the new place as there are no relatives around. Tsering will now join a new school and make many new friends. He might feel a little separated initially but will adapt fast. All these changes are for good in Tsering's family. They now get new exposure in life and will soon adapt to the conditions.

3. What are the different reasons for changes in a family, according to Chapter 9 of Class 4 EVS?

There are many reasons due to which changes may occur in families. Some important reasons for changes in a family include the marriage of a family member, birth of a child, moving to a new place due to transfer of a family member, getting a new job or setting up a business at a new place, getting admission in a new college by a family member, an unfavorable climate of a place for the health of a family member, unfavorable circumstances of a place such as riots. 

4. What changes will occur in Nazli’s family due to the wedding, according to Chapter 9 of Class 4 EVS?

A new member will come to Nazli’s family due to the wedding. The new member will be her sister-in-law. Her family members had to adjust with the new member. Sometimes Nazli may have to share her things with her sister-in-law. Other family members also have to make changes in their behavior to adjust to the new member. Thus, a wedding can bring many changes to a family. 

5. What changes will occur in a family from where a new bride has come, according to Chapter 9 of Class 4 EVS?

Changes will also occur in the family from where the new bride has come. Her family members will feel sad and will miss her a lot. Now, other members of the family have to do the work that the bride did. They have to make other adjustments in their house, such as the bride's room may now be shared by other brothers and sisters. The mother and father of the bride may miss her the most on several occasions. 

6. How NCERT Solutions for Chapter 9 of Class 4 EVS given on Vedantu can help my child for exams?

NCERT Solutions for Chapter 9 of Class 4 EVS given on Vedantu is useful for your child because all solutions are made in simple language to easily revise and learn for their final exams. All solutions are made by expert subject teachers having a deep understanding and knowledge of the subject. They keep in mind the intelligent level and scope of every topic in mind while preparing NCERT solutions. Therefore, your child can score high marks by studying the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 9 of Class 4 EVS. 

7. Is it sufficient if my child only studies from NCERT Solutions for Chapter 9 of Class 4 EVS for exams?

Yes, it is sufficient if your child only studies from the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 9 of Class 4 EVS because students can understand the main idea of the Chapter and can write answers to textbook questions easily. NCERT Solutions can help students to learn specific answers for each question that are important from the exam’s point of view. Students can revise NCERT Solutions for final exams and can score high marks. To download the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 9 of Class 4 EVS free of cost, visit the Vedantu website or download the Vedantu app.