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NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 16 - A Busy Month

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Class 4 Chapter 16 EVS NCERT Solutions for a Busy Month Free PDF Download

NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS Chapter 16 A Busy Month teaches us about different kinds of birds and their distinctive features. The lesson deals with the kinds of nests birds make and how they keep themselves safe from their enemies. The lesson also teaches us about various kinds of animals that have different kinds of teeth.  The Vedantu team has done extensive research and developed the most authentic and appropriate NCERT Solutions for the easy understanding of students.

The Class 4 EVS NCERT Solutions cover solved exercises for all 24 chapters. There are enough practice questions available on Vedantu. You can download the PDF files of NCERT Solutions any time from Vedantu and practice the solutions as many times you want to.


NCERT Solutions for Class 4


Class 4 EVS

Chapter Name:

Chapter 16 - A Busy Month


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English and Hindi

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Access NCERT Solutions For Science Class 4 Chapter 16 – A busy Month

1. How many years ago did Gijubhai write this letter?

Ans: This letter was written by Gijubhai around 85 years ago.

2. Find out how old your grandfather and grandmother were at that time.

Ans: My grandmother was one year old at the time, and my grandfather was two.

3. This letter talks about many different birds. How many of these birds have you seen?

Ans: I saw a dove, an Indian Robin, a crow, and a koel.

4. How many other birds have you seen? Which ones?

Ans: I've noticed two additional birds: a sparrow and a parrot.

5. Have you seen a bird’s nest? Where did you see it?

Ans: Yes, I've noticed a sparrow's nest on a nearby tree.

6. Which is your favourite bird? Can you show your friends in the class how it flies, and what sound it makes?

Ans: The peacock is my favourite bird. It can't fly very far.

7. Guess what this bird is –

 ‘A crown on the head and coins on the tail, 

  So many shades of blue from top to tail.’

  Clue: It is our national bird.

Ans: This bird is a peacock. Peacock is our national bird.

8. Do you know of any other bird that makes its nest in a tree trunk like the barbet does?

Ans: The owl, like the barbet, builds its nest in a tree trunk.

9. If there is a nest inside or around your house, look carefully at it. Remember, do not go too near the nest, and do not touch it. If you do, then the bird will not come to the nest again. Observe the nest for some days and note down the following things:

a. Where is the nest made?

Ans: The nest is built in a tree.

b. What is the nest made of?

Ans:  Grass, twigs, and dry leaves make up the nest.

c. Is the nest ready or are the birds still making it?

Ans: It's still being made by the bird.

d. Can you recognize which bird has made the nest?

Ans: Yes, I'm aware that a sparrow has built a nest.

e. What things does the bird bring to the nest?

Ans: The bird returns to the nest with food and extra twigs.

f. Is there any bird sitting in the nest?

Ans: The nest is occupied by a sparrow.

g. Do you think there are any eggs in the nest?

Ans: No, the nest does not contain any eggs.

h. Can you hear any sound like ‘chee chee’ from the nest?

Ans: Yes, the sound of 'chee chee' may be heard from the nest.

i. If there are chicks in the nest, what do the parent birds bring for them to eat?

Ans: There aren't any chicks in the nest.

j. How many times in one hour do the birds come to the nest?

Ans: The bird visits at least three to four times every hour.

k. After how many days did the chicks leave the nest?

Ans: If there were chicks in the nest, they would have left in three months.

l. Make a picture of the nest in your notebook



Nest Image

10. Find out about Your Own Teeth and Write.

a. Your age:

Ans: I’m 8 years old.

b. How many teeth do you have?

Ans: I have 20 teeth

c. Have any of your teeth fallen or broken? How many?

Ans: Yes, my two front teeth have fallen out.

d. How many new teeth do you have?

Ans: I've got three new teeth.

e. How many of your milk teeth have fallen, but no new teeth have come in their place?

Ans: My two milk teeth have fallen out, but no new teeth have appeared to take their place.

11. Look at your friend’s teeth. Are there different kinds of teeth? Draw one front tooth and one back tooth in your notebook. Can you see any difference between these teeth?

Ans: Yes, he has different kinds of teeth.

Different kinds of teeth

There is a difference between the front tooth and back tooth. Front tooth is slightly more pointed than the back tooth. 

12. You do not have any teeth in your mouth. What kind of things would you be able to eat?

Ans: If I didn’t have any teeth then I wouldn’t be able to eat hard things like biscuits or chocolates. Probably, I should eat only soft things like cake, halva, porridge or drink juices and milk. 

13. Find out from different people who do not have teeth – what are the kinds of things that they cannot eat?

Ans: My grandmother's teeth have fallen. So, she cannot eat papads or rotis. She can eat only mashed rice with sambar or drink milk, coffee, or tea.

NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 16 A Busy Month

We all know the general features of birds. They have wings, feathers that keep them warm, their bones are light and hollow that makes their bodies light. This is the reason why they are able to fly. They have two legs with claws that help them to climb trees and hold on to the branches. Some water birds have webbed feet that help them to swim. They have beaks and they use their beaks for eating food, catching their prey, and making nests to lay eggs. 

How Do Birds Make Their Nests?

It is actually very interesting to know that they make their nests as cozy as your bed. They make their nest with materials such as wool, soft twigs, cotton wool, roots, grass, hair, etc. The birds keep looking for these small things and keep collecting them to make a nest. 

Birds make their nest in very safe places. They can actually figure out which place is safe for them. They protect themselves from their enemies like humans, snakes, crows, cats, rats, and squirrels. 

Crows make their nests very high on the trees. They make their nests with any kind of materials like wire, wood, etc. Birds like dove make their cozy nests in thorny hedges or between the cactus plants to keep them safe from animals. They make their nests with soft twigs, cotton wool, hair-thin roots, etc. 

Sparrows and pigeons make their nests around our houses. 

Koel is a kind of bird that looks like a crow except that it has a beautiful voice. Koels are too lazy to make their own nests so they lay eggs in the crows’ nests and the crows hatch them along with their own eggs. 

Barbet birds or coppersmith birds make their nests in the holes of trees. 

Tailorbirds make their nests by stitching two leaves of a small tree and then they lay eggs in the fold of the leaves. 

Sunbirds make their nests like a hanging basket from the branch of the tree. Their nests are made up of grass, thin twigs, dry leaves, bits of tree bark, and pieces of cloth rags. 

Birds normally make their nests to lay their eggs in them. Then they hatch the eggs, raise the chicks and when the chicks learn to fly, they leave the nest. They make nests only to lay eggs. 

What Kind of Feet Do Birds Have?

Different birds have different kinds of feet. Some birds like ducks have webbed feet that help them to swim in the water. Some birds like eagles, hawks have clawed feet to catch their prey. They are also called talons. Birds like woodpeckers have three claws in front and one claw at the back so that they can climb the trees and hold onto the branches. Birds like ostrich have long feet so that they can walk and run. 

What Kind of Beaks Do Birds Have?

Different kinds of birds have different kinds of beaks. Eagles have hooked beaks to tear the flesh. Some birds have curved beaks to peck on the woods. Some birds have short beaks to crush seeds. Crows have sharp beaks to cut any kind of food. Some birds have long beaks to find their food from the mud and shallow water. 

What are the Benefits of Using Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 16 - A Busy Month?

Key Features of NCERT Solutions, These solutions are designed to help students achieve good understanding in their studies. They are crafted by experienced educators who excel in teaching Class 4 EVS. Some of the features include:

  • Detailed explanations for each exercise and questions, promoting a deeper understanding of the subject.

  • Clear and easy to read presentation for easy learning.

  • Accurate answers aligned with the curriculum, boosting students' confidence in their knowledge.

  • Visual aids like diagrams and illustrations to simplify complex concepts.

  • Additional tips and insights to enhance students' performance.

  • Chapter summaries for quick revision.

  • Online accessibility and downloadable resources for flexible study and revision.


The NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Chapter 16 A Busy Month, provided by Vedantu, is a good resource for Class 4 students. It helps introduce EVS concepts in an accessible manner. The provided solutions and explanations simplify complex ideas, making it easier for Class 4 Students to understand the material. By using Vedantu's resources, Students can develop a deeper understanding of NCERT concepts. These solutions are a helpful aid for Class 4 students, helping them to excel in their studies and develop a genuine appreciation for A Busy Month.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 16 - A Busy Month

1. Can you say what kinds of teeth animals have?

Some animals like cows have short front teeth for snipping grass. Cows have large and flat side teeth for chewing the grass. Some cats have sharp teeth for tearing and cutting meat. Snakes have curved teeth and the front teeth of squirrels keep growing throughout their life. They keep chewing on things to prevent their teeth from becoming long.

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Vedantu provides a holistic solution to home learning. You can have access to a wide range of questions, notes, references, and videos on Vedantu. Each subject has ample worksheets and mock tests to practice. Our very expert teachers craft these NCERT solutions and notes to your learning style. You can learn or revise them at your own pace and you can focus on key areas of improvement. You will gain a complete understanding of complex concepts therefore develop your confidence for exams.

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If you want to get good marks in exams then you need to focus on those chapters that you think are difficult. Vedantu offers many additional exercises in NCERT Solutions that will help you with your practice. Vedantu NCERT Solutions also provides additional reference notes along with the exercises that can strengthen your concepts of the chapter. Apart from this, you can connect anytime with a panel of experienced teachers who can help you with your doubts.

4. How will Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS help us?

The team in Vedantu has done extensive research and developed the most authentic and appropriate NCERT solutions that will further be a valuable resource for all students. The class 4 EVS NCERT Solutions covers twenty-four chapters and the exercises from the NCERT books for Class 4. There are enough practice questions available on the official website of Vedantu.

5. What Makes Vedantu’s Chapter 16 Solutions better?

Chapter 16 solutions are carefully prepared solutions that will help the students in forming suitable answers for the examination. Vedantu’s explanations and important points of the chapter are brought to you by experts so that students can enhance their overall understanding of the chapter. Hence, Vedantu is a multi-faceted mentor for all your study purposes. You can download solutions for this chapter here. Hence, it offers some of the best solutions online.

6. Can students use Vedantu's NCERT Solutions to understand Chapter 16 of Class 4 EVS expertly?

Chapter 16 of the Class 4 EVS textbook may have certain topics that may be unfamiliar for the students. Some topics might appear difficult to them. Thus, studying NCERT solutions is not enough. For this reason, Vedantu's experts go through a laborious process to provide easily understandable explanations and important points from the chapter. In the era of remote learning, these solutions and explanations are of much help to the students to be able to understand the chapter expertly and meticulously.

7. What is the chapter “A Busy Month” about?

“A Busy Month” is an enthralling chapter that teaches the students about the fascinating world of birds. There are several species of birds around us that we come across daily. This chapter teaches the students about these birds and to carefully observe their various activities. They will learn about their habitats and their young ones. Students will enjoy learning about all of these different birds and their habits. You can find the NCERT solutions for this chapter on the official website of Vedantu. Students can also download the Vedantu app and access all the material free of cost.

8. What are the different things that birds use to make their nests?

Various birds use a variety of different things to make their nests. Some birds like Robin use twigs, roots, wool, hair, and cotton wool. Others, like crows, use pieces of wire and wood. Birds like Koel don't even build a nest and lay eggs in a crow's nest. Few other birds use leaves and sew them to make their nest. Other materials that can be used to build nests are hair, grass, dry leaves, bits of tree bark, pieces of cloth rags, and even spider cobwebs.

9. Where do different birds make their nests?

Some birds like crows build their nest high up on a tree. A dove makes its nest among the thorns of a cactus plant or a Mehendi hedge. Sparrows and pigeons often make their nest in homes or deserted buildings. The barber or the coppersmith bird builds its nest in the tree trunk. A Tailor Bird sews leaves and lives there. A Sunbird makes nests in small trees or bushes. You can find more important information on this chapter here.