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NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 11 - Valley Of Flowers

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NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 11 - Valley of Flowers

NCERT Solutions Class 4 Evs  Chapter 11 offers students the easiest and most reliable study-guide for the chapter Valley of Flowers. The NCERT Solutions Class 4 Evs Valley of flowers, prepared by our subject-matter experts, consists of precise and easily comprehensible answers to all the questions given in the exercise of the chapter. Students can find the NCERT Solutions Class 4 Evs Chapter 11 PDF on Vedantu and they can download it for free of cost. Referring to these solutions will help students to clear all their doubts and enhance their exam preparation.


NCERT Solutions for Class 4


Class 4 EVS

Chapter Name:

Chapter 11 - Valley Of Flowers


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Access NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 11 - The Valley of Flowers

1. Have you ever seen so many flowers grow together anywhere? Where?

Ans: Yes, I've seen numerous flowers grown together in my colony's garden.

2. How many differently coloured flowers have you seen?

Ans: I've counted 15 different types of flowers.

3. Write their colours.

Ans: Red, yellow, blue, white, and other colours are among them.

4. Now you have just left counting, weren’t you?

Ans: Yes

5. Are there any things in your house which have designs of flowers made on them – like clothes, sheets, vases, etc?

Ans: Yes, there are many objects in my house with floral motifs on them, such as a tablecloth, a bedsheet, a painting, and so on.

6. Draw your own design in your notebook and colour it as well.


Folwer Picture

7. Here are some pictures of flowers. Mark on the flowers which you recognize. Write their names too if you know

Pictures of flower


1. China Rose

2. Rose

3. Sunflower

4. Marigold

5. Champa

6. Jasmine

7. Tulsi

8. Raat ki Rani

9. Chrysanthemum

8. From the pictures given above, and other flowers that you know, give names of

two which

a. grows on trees

Ans: Grow on trees – Palash, Kadamb

b. grow on bushes

Ans: Grow on bushes – Rose, lavender

c. grows on creepers

Ans: Grow on creepers- Madhumalti, Juhi

d. grow on water plants

Ans: Grow on water plants- Lotus, water lily

e. bloom only at night

Ans: Bloom only at night- Jasmine, Queen of the night

f. bloom in the day and close at night

Ans: Bloom in the day and close at night- sunflower, poppy


a. Which flowers can you recognise by their scent, even with your eyes closed?

Ans: Mogra, Rose

b. Which flowers bloom all year-round?

Ans: Marigold, Rose

c. Which flowers bloom only in certain months?

Ans: Mogra- It blooms in summer and monsoon.

Rajnigandha – It blooms in April, May, June, July, August, September.

10. Are there any trees or plants which never have any flowers? Find out and write.

Ans: Yes, some trees or plants, such as the money plant, never produce blossoms.

11. Have you ever seen a board like this put up anywhere?

Do not pluck flower Board

Ans: Yes, I've seen something similar posted in our colony's garden.

12. Do people pluck flowers even when this board is there?

Ans: Yes, even with this board in place, people continue to pluck flowers.

13. Why do you think they do this?

Ans: They do this because they do not pay much importance to the board's purpose.

14. Should they do this?

Ans: This is not something they should do.

15. What would happen if everybody plucked flowers?

Ans: If everyone plucks flowers from the garden (even after the board is in place), the garden will not be attractive or refreshing.

16. Children who can bring flowers may bring one or two flowers to class.

Remember that you must collect only fallen flowers. Do not pluck any flowers. Make groups of three or four children and look at one flower carefully –

a. What is the colour of the flower?

Ans: A rose blossom was given to our group. The blossom is red in hue.

b. What kind of ascent does it have?

Ans: It has a rose-flavoured food essence smell.

c. What does it look like – a bell, a bowl, a brush or anything else?

Ans: From the exterior, it appears to be a bowl.

d. Do these flowers grow in bunches?

Ans: No, these flowers don't come in clusters.

e. How many petals does it have?

Ans: It has a total of ten petals.

f. Are all the petals joined together or separate?

Ans: Petals are distinct at the beginning but connect at the end.

g. Outside the petals, can you see any green leafy structure? How many are there?

Ans: I can see a green leafy structure outside the petals. There are four of them.

h. Inside the petals, in the middle of the flower, can you see some thin structures? Write its colour.

Ans: Yes, I can see several thin structures inside the petals, in the centre of the flower. It's a reddish-brown tint.

17. When you touch these, do you find a powdery thing on your hands?

Ans: Yes, I get a powdery substance on my hands when I touch them.

18. What differences do you find between a flower and a bud?

Ans: Below given are the differences between a flower and a bud:



1. It's larger in size than a bud.

It's smaller in size than a flower.

2. These petals are large and clearly visible.

These petals are not developed fully.

3. It develops from the bud.

It develops into a flower.

19. Draw the picture of a bud and its flower in your notebook.

Ans: Rosebud

Rose Bud Picture

Rose flower-

Rose Flower Picture

20. Can you tell how many days will a bud take to bloom into a flower? Let us try and find out.

a. Choose a bud that is growing on a plant and look at it every day. Write the name of the plant.

Ans: I selected a rose plant and examined a rosebud.

b. When you first saw this bud, the date was _________. Now when the bud has bloomed into a flower, the date is _______. How many days did the bud take to become a flower?

Ans: It was January 1st, 2019 when I first spotted this blossom. The date is now January 10th, 2019, when the bud has bloomed into a flower. It took 10 days for a bud to turn into a flower.

c. Ask your friends the names of the different flowers that they have seen. How much time did it take their buds to become flowers?

Ans: Rahul, one of my friends, noticed a sunflower. It took 20 days for a sunflower bud to turn into a blossom.

d. Also observe how many days the same flower took to dry.

Ans: It takes 4-5 days for the flower to completely dry out.

21. Are flowers cooked in your home as a dry vegetable, a gravy dish or as chutney? Find out which flowers are used for these.

Ans: Yes, there are a few flowers in vegetables and chutney. Flowers like dandelion and lotus are utilized for this.

22. Find out the names of any two flowers which are used for making medicines?

Ans: Cornflower is a medicinal flower used as a laxative and mouth freshener. Dandelion is used to clear the blood.

23. How is rose water used in your house? Is it used as medicine, sweets, lassi or something else? Find out and tell others.

Ans: At my house, rose water is used to flavour lassi and desserts.

24. Find out and write the names of some more flowers that are used for making colours.

Ans: Some flowers used to make colours include China rose, sunflower, rose, and Palash (Butea monosperma).

25. Can you think of a colour in which there is no flower?

Ans: No, I can't think of a colour that doesn't have a flower associated with it.

26. Write the names of such flowers which are used to make scents?

Ans: Flowers that are utilized to generate perfumes include mogra, rose, and others.

27. Have you ever read or heard any songs about flowers? Let us sing this song –

Poetry lines on Flower

“Good gardener, make for my Banna a garland of flowers; She went looking for flowers in the garden in heaven; Make a garland of flower buds if there are no flowers…”

Ans: Yes, I have read a poem on flowers by ‘Makhanlal Chaturvedi’. The poem is as follows-

पुष्प की अभिलाषा

चाह नहीं मैं सुरबाला के

गहनों में गूँथा जाऊँ,

चाह नहीं, प्रेमी-माला में

बिंध प्यारी को ललचाऊँ,

चाह नहीं, सम्राटों के शव

पर हे हरि, डाला जाऊँ,

चाह नहीं, देवों के सिर पर

चढ़ूँ भाग्य पर इठलाऊँ।

मुझे तोड़ लेना वनमाली!

उस पथ पर देना तुम फेंक,

मातृभूमि पर शीश चढ़ाने

जिस पथ जावें वीर अनेक

                                            - माखनलाल चतुर्वेदी

a. Do you know when such songs are sung?

Ans: The song in the question is performed at weddings.

b. Do you or anybody else at home know other such songs? Collect songs, poems, etc., on flowers. Write them down and put them up in the classroom.

Ans: My mother forced me to remember floral poetry from my nursery textbook.

Little Flowers

Little flowers swaying in the breeze,

Turning our faces up to the sun and trees,

When the night comes each one node and sleeps.

Question 28. Are any special flowers used on certain occasions/festivals by your elders? Make a list of different occasions and the flowers used at each.



Name of Flower

Saraswati pooja



Cucumber flower

Varamahalakshmi (south india)


Durga pooja(Kolkata)


29. What are the different flowers that they sell? Ask them the names of three flowers.

Ans: Marigolds, roses, mogra, and other flowers are sold by flower vendors.

30. Where do they bring these flowers from?

Ans: These flowers are brought in from farms.

31. Why do people buy flowers?

Ans: Flowers are purchased for worship, decorating, and as a gift.

32. In what forms do flower-sellers sell their flowers? Look at these pictures. Tick against those forms that you have seen.

Forms of a flower-selling


Flower selling

33. Have you seen flowers offered at many religious places?

Ans: Yes, I've seen a variety of flowers provided at religious sites, including lotus, marigold, and others.

34. What do we do when they dry up?

Ans: They are used to make manure once they have dried out.

35. How will you use them?

Ans: I'll turn them into manure and use them in my garden.

36. Some flowers are used in different forms – like rose and marigold are used in garlands and as loose petals too.

a. Find out the prices of these different forms.

One flower _________

One garland _________

One bouquet _________


One flower- 10/-

One garland- 30/-

One bouquet- 100/

b. Has the flower-seller learnt to make bouquets or a net of flowers from anybody? From whom?

Ans: The flower seller has learned how to make bouquets or a flower net. It was something he learned from his elders.

c. Would they like the other members of their family to do this work? Why?

Ans: Yes, they would like other members of their family to perform this work (their wife and brothers) because it pays well.

37. Draw a flower of your choice and write its name below:


Lotus flower

NCERT Solutions Class 4  EVS Valley of Flowers- Free PDF Download

NCERT Solutions Class 4 Evs Chapter 11 Valley of flowers is one of the most important chapters covered in the syllabus. Learning this chapter will help students to identify and differentiate a huge variety of flowers and to understand their anatomy. There are many activities related to the chapter which are given at the end of the chapter. The activities and questions can be solved with ease by referring to the  NCERT Solutions Class 4 Evs Chapter 11 PDF on Vedantu. The language used has been kept simple by our experts without compromising the quality of the answers. 

Class 4th EVS Chapter 11 Marks Weightage

This Class 4th EVS Chapter 11 has a weightage of 5 marks which makes this chapter one of the most important chapters of the whole book. Questions from this chapter are asked frequently in the exam. Thus, studying from our NCERT Solutions will enable students to prepare effectively and score better in exams.

Here is more detail about the contents of Chapter 11  valley of flower Class 4.

11.1 Difference between flower and bud (1 long Question)

11.2 Name two flowers used in making medicines? (1 short Question)

Why are NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 11 Beneficial?

  • Preparing this chapter for the exams will be easier if it is studied from our simplified answers that are convenient for students to learn and understand.

  • The NCERT Solutions on Vedantu cover every topic of the chapter as well as provide in-depth knowledge to students to grasp the concept of the chapter better.

  • To develop a conceptual understanding of the chapter, these NCERT Solutions provide an overview of the entire chapter as well as the fun and interesting activities to fascinate the young minds to learn.

  • Our answers are quite easy to learn and thus help you save a lot of time for understanding the fundamentals of this chapter.


Vedantu's NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 11, "Valley Of Flowers," serve as an invaluable educational resource that transports young learners to the enchanting world of nature and biodiversity. These solutions align seamlessly with the NCERT curriculum, offering clear explanations and insights into the chapter's themes related to the Valley of Flowers. Vedantu's commitment to quality education shines through these solutions, simplifying complex concepts about the environment and the importance of conservation. By utilizing these NCERT Solutions, students not only enhance their knowledge of the natural world but also develop a deeper appreciation for the beauty and fragility of our planet. These solutions foster a sense of environmental stewardship and inspire a love for nature in young minds.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 11 - Valley Of Flowers

1. What is the Difference Between Bud and Flower?

As compared to the bud, a flower is bigger. The development of the flower occurs from the bud. In a plant, a flower is considered to be a reproductive part. The flower consists of petals. Petals of the flowers are separate from each other. Flowers are generally open and larger, whereas, a bud is smaller in size and it has a bulb-like shape. The very early phase of the formation of the flower is known as bud. 

2. Write the Uses of Flowers.

Flowers have a dense variety based on colours, uses, number of petals, etc.

  • Most flowers are popularly used for making a variety of fragrances and scents. Some of them include jasmine, rose, etc.

  • For the formation of the pigments, some flowers like a china rose and rose are preferred.

  • Flowers are used in manufacturing medicines. Some of the flowers used are cedar and rose. Rosewater is used as a medicine.

  • Flowers are also used as an ingredient in making desserts.

3. How can one download NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 11?

NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 11 "Valley of Flowers" can be downloaded at no cost following these simple steps:

  • Go to the NCERT solutions of the chapter on Vedantu’s website.

  • On the following page, select the chapter and subject of your choice,  scroll down and click on the option "Download PDF."

  • You will be redirected to a page with the link to download the PDF conveniently.

These solutions are available on Vedantu’s mobile app as well so that you can download them for easy offline use.

4. How are Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for EVS Chapter 11 useful for Class 4 students?

Vedantu's EVS NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Chapter 11 are extremely useful for students in their studies:

  • These solutions are prepared by extremely experienced teachers.

  • The solutions are created in accordance with the CBSE guidelines.

  • They use simple and appropriate language for Class 4 students.

  • Class 4 students will be able to easily comprehend these and study from them on their own.

  • The solutions provided are perfect for exam preparation as well and are available to download for free.

5. What is the Chapter “Valley of Flowers” about?

Class 4 EVS Chapter 11 "Valley of Flowers" teaches the students about various aspects of beautiful flowers. The chapter begins with the mesmerizing description of a scenic valley full of flowers in Uttaranchal. This picturesque scene grasps the attention of students instantly. The chapter then goes on to talk about flowers of different colours and the different uses that flowers have. The chapter is indeed a fascinating one that Class 4 students will certainly enjoy.

6. What are the various uses of flowers?

Flowers have various uses that make them even more special:

  • Flowers are used in various cultures for food.

  • Flowers have a lot of medicinal properties and are used as medicines. 

  • Various colours are also extracted from many flowers. 

  • In many places, flowers are used for making paintings like the Madhubani paintings in Bihar.

  • Flowers also have several ornamental purposes and are used for decorations in houses, weddings, celebrations, etc.

7. What different flowers are used in cooking?  

Flowers have various uses, including several uses in cooking. A vegetable dish made by kachnar flowers is famous in Uttar Pradesh. Banana flowers are widely used in cooking in Kerala. And in Maharashtra, pakoras made of sahjan flowers are devoured by everyone. Even in foreign countries, flowers have many culinary uses. For example in Italy, zucchini flowers are used abundantly in cooking.