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NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 8 - Flying High

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NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 8 - Flying High

Vedantu brings to you easy and reliable NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 8 – Flying High. Our subject experts have done extensive research and prepared these NCERT Solutions. All the questions given in the exercise of this chapter are solved in these NCERT Solutions. Hence, students can learn and revise the chapter by referring to these solutions. The questions and answers format of these NCERT Solutions Class 3 EVS Chapter 8 Flying High helps students to test their understanding of the chapter effectively.


NCERT Solutions for Class 3


Class 3 EVS

Chapter Name:

Chapter 8 - Flying High


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Academic Year:



English and Hindi

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You can download these NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS PDF for your child from Vedantu for absolutely free of cost.

Access NCERT Solutions for Science Class 3 Chapter 8 – Flying High

1. On my head I have a crest, All say I dance the best, Of my feathers I am proud, Before the rain I cry aloud ________.

Ans: I’m a Peacock. I’m a gorgeous bird with a crest on my head and magnificent feathers. I’m a graceful dancer who dances elegantly.

2. Long and grooved is my tail, high up in the sky I sail, I pick and eat all the mice. The _______ is what you call me.

Ans: I'm known as an eagle by you. My tail is long and grooved, and I glide across the sky, picking and eating mice.

3. My feathers are green, My beak’s red, Guava and green chilli I’m fed, I love to copy people’s voices, And keep making a lot of noise ________ .

Ans: My feathers are green, my beak is red, and I'm fed guava and green chilli. I like to imitate people's sounds and make a lot of noise. Parrot is my name.

4. Black are my feathers and black is my _______ . kau-kay I do all day long.

Ans: I’m a crow  with black beak and black feathers. Kau-kay is the sound made by me.

5. Koohu-Koohu is my sound, Everywhere I am found, My sweet voice gives me fame, _______ is my name.

Ans: My name is Cuckoo, or Koyal. My sweet and amazing  voice brings me fame, and Koohu-Koohu is my sound.

6. Dead animals I do eat, Making places clean and neat, High up in the ______ I fly, Vulture is what I’m called by.

Ans: I do eat dead animals. Keeping the environment clean and orderly, Vulture is the name given to me as I fly high in the sky.

7. My beak is pink, feathers grey, Guter Ghoo I go on all day, In houses I make my home, A ______ is how I’m known.

Ans: My beak is pink, my feathers are grey, I sing Guter Ghoo all day, I live in houses, and I'm known as a dove.

8. My beak is very special, I use it like a needle, Stitching leaves I make my home, The ______ bird is how I’m known.

Ans: My beak is unique. I use it like a needle, stitching leaves to create my nest. I'm known as the tailor bird.

9. Which of the birds mentioned in the lesson have you seen? Write their names.

________ ________ ________ ________

Ans: I have seen a parrot, a crow, an owl, a peacock, an eagle, and a dove.

10. Now go outside and look for birds on trees, in water, on the ground, in and around bushes. How many birds could you see?

Ans: I could hardly see 10 birds outside.

11. In the table write the names of birds and ‘✔’ the place where you saw them. If you do not know the names of any bird, then write how you would know it. Name of the bird Where you saw it, in water, on the tree, On the ground, in the house Flying


Name of the bird

Where You Saw it

On the Tree


In the House

In Water

On the Ground










12. Below are pictures of the beaks of birds. Look at them carefully. Identify the birds and write their names. In the blank space draw a picture of the beak of some other bird, colour it and write its name.

Pic-1 (ashish please arrange all these images in line as its given)


Birds with their Names

Birds with their Names

13. Match the birds with their food.


Birds with the Food

Birds with the Food

14. There are some birds which can imitate our voice. Do you know the name of any such bird? Draw its picture in your notebook, colour it and write its name.




The name of the bird is Parrot. It can imitate my voice.

15. Other than birds, which are the other animals that can fly?

Ans: Geckos, frogs, fish, and snakes all have the ability to fly. Squirrels are also capable of taking to the air.

16. If you could fly like a bird, where would you like to go? What else would you do?

Ans: If I had the ability to fly like a bird, I would fly to Nani's house and astound everyone. I'll fly up to the tops of the trees and pluck the fruits. I'll fly high in the sky and take in the scenery.

17. What would happen if birds could not fly but only walk on their feet?

Ans: If birds can't fly and can only walk on their feet, they'll struggle to survive because they'll be easy prey for other creatures.

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 8 Flying High

Class 3 NCERT EVS Chapter 8 teaches us about different kinds of birds that we see around us. The chapter describes the characteristics of different birds so that children can easily distinguish them. Let us explore the characteristics and features of different kinds of birds. 

The general characteristics of birds are: they have wings, they have beaks, they have feathers, they have two legs, they lay eggs and they can fly. Do you know why birds can fly and not humans? Birds can fly because they have wings and underneath their wings, the muscles are very strong. Their bones are light and hollow, which makes their bodies light. So birds can fly. Some birds cannot fly. They can fly for short distances like ostrich, vulture, penguins, and hens. They are called flightless birds. Some birds cannot fly too high like sparrows, crows, etc. They fly but not very high in the sky. Some birds can fly very high like eagles, ducks, and many others. Some birds live in water like duck, swan, etc. Their feathers keep the birds warm. Birds eat different kinds of food. Some birds eat insects, some eat seeds, some feed on dead animals and plants. Some birds love to eat fish. 

Let Us Read About Some Birds and Their Characteristics That Are Discussed in the Chapter

Peacock: Peacock is considered to be a big bird. It has bright and coloured feathers. It can fly for short distances. It has a beautiful crest on its forehead. When a Peacock dances it opens its beautiful and long feathers. It looks absolutely stunning. It is said that when a peacock dances, it rains.

Eagle: Eagle has a hooked beak and it has a long and grooved tail. Eagle is called the bird of prey. Eagle has very sharp eyes and claws. Eagle can fly very high in the sky. Eagle eats mice. Eagle can see their prey from very high in the sky and it swoops its prey in no time.

Parrot: Parrot’s feathers are normally green in colour. Its beak is red. Parrot loves eating green chili and Guavas. Parrots can also imitate people’s voices and also make a lot of noise. 

Crow: Crow is black in color. Crows keep making a sound all day. Crow eats anything. Crow is the most common bird that we see around us. Crows are known as scavenger birds because they eat dead animals and plants. 

Mynah: Mynah resembles a crow because its colour is also black. Unlike crows, Mynahs have very sweet voices. Mynah can move its neck back and forth with a jerk.

Vulture: Vulture is also called a scavenger bird because it feeds on dead animals. By eating the dead animals, it keeps the environment clean. Vultures can fly high in the sky.

Pigeon: Pigeon is a domesticated bird. Pigeon stays on the roofs of our house. Its beak is pink in color and the pigeon makes sounds all day. 

Woodpecker: Woodpecker is a vet unique bird. It has a long and sharp beak. It can make holes in the trees with its beak. 

Tailorbird: Tailor bird makes its nest by stitching the leaves. It uses its beak like a needle. 

Owl: Owl is called a night bird because it sleeps all day long and wakes up at night. It has large eyes. It has good hearing sense and eyesight. This is why owls can hunt at night. Owl can turn its neck backward.


NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 8, "Flying High," offer young learners a fascinating journey into the world of birds and their remarkable ability to fly. These solutions provide a comprehensive understanding of the diversity of avian species and their habitats. Through engaging stories, interactive activities, and insightful explanations, students not only gain knowledge about birds but also develop a deep appreciation for the natural world. These solutions encourage ecological awareness and instill a sense of responsibility for bird conservation. Overall, "Flying High" Class 3 EVS solutions empower students to soar beyond the confines of textbooks, fostering a lifelong love for nature and an understanding of the importance of preserving biodiversity.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 8 - Flying High

1. What are the general characteristics of a bird?

The general characteristics of birds are: they have wings, they have beaks, they have feathers, they have two legs, they lay eggs and they can fly. Birds can fly because they have wings and underneath their muscles are very strong. Their bones are light and hollow, which makes their bodies light. So birds can fly. Their feathers keep them warm.

2. What are the features and benefits of NCERT EVS Solution for Class 3?

The features and benefits of NCERT EVS Solution for Class 3 are as follows.

  • The NCERT EVS Solutions for Class 3 are developed by the subject-matter experts at Vedantu, to guide the young students of Class 3 to clear all their doubts and learn the chapter more easily.

  • The solutions are written in a very interactive and simple language so that children can understand and recall the concepts easily.

  • Students can revise the chapter easily by going through these NCERT Solutions since all the points of this chapter are covered in these solutions.

  • The NCERT Solutions Class 3 EVS Chapter 8 are available in PDF format and can be downloaded for free. 

3. Name a few scavenger birds. How are they important for our surroundings?

Some of the scavengers are crows, vultures, eagles, hawks, and Caracas. They feed on dead animals and plants, so they help in cleaning our surroundings.

4. What are the advantages of studying with Vedantu?

At Vedantu, the teachers are very experienced and friendly. They understand the pulse of every child, hence can interact with each of them accordingly. You will get all the necessary study materials for your exam preparation on Vedantu and you can access them for free. Also, for a better understanding , you can sign up for the live classes on Vedantu, where our teachers will interact with you and help to address your doubts.

5. Why can birds fly but not humans?

Birds can fly because they have wings and powerful muscles below their wings. Their bodies are light because their bones are light and hollow. As a result, birds can fly. Some birds are unable to fly, such as ostriches, vultures, penguins, and hens, but they can cover short distances. They're known as "flightless birds."

6. Which bird's characteristics are discussed in Chapter 8 EVS of Class 3?

The birds whose characteristics are discussed in this chapter are Peacock, Eagle, Parrot, Crow, Mynah, Vulture, Pigeon, Woodpecker, Tailorbird, and Owl. Students will learn about several types of birds, as well as their traits and attributes in this chapter. They will also be briefed about their importance in nature. 

7. What does Chapter 8 EVS of Class 3 teach us?

We are surrounded by a plethora of birds. They are extremely beneficial to our ecosystem and assist it to flourish. We must not destroy them for our gain. They are all called birds, even though they are all distinct. If all birds looked the same, the world would be a dreary place.

8. What are the characteristics of a crow?

They are huge black birds with gleaming feathers. Crows congregate in huge groups called flocks. These birds are distinguished for their booming calls, as well as their intellect. Crows are intelligent and inquisitive birds with a reputation for being thieves and pranksters.

9. What does Vedantu offer other than NCERT solution books?

For individuals who want more assistance, we also provide individualised online tutoring in essential science topics from the convenience of one's own home. Vedantu allows students to study at their speed without the stress and inconvenience of travel or time limitations. Assessments are done during the course, and an evaluation exam is conducted before the start of the tuition to assess a student's strengths and weaknesses.