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NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 19 - Our Friends Animals

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NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 19 - Our Friends Animals FREE PDF Download

In Class 3 EVS Chapter 19 - 'Our Friends Animals,' discover the amazing world of animals as our friends. This chapter introduces the joy of learning about various animals and their roles in our lives. Through simple words and fun activities, young students explore the fascinating connection between humans and the animal kingdom. Vedantu can help you in improving your grades by providing the study materials and ample practice worksheets. You can also avail the mock tests on the website to test your progress in a particular subject. You can reach out to our team of experienced and skilled teachers and subject experts to strengthen your concepts or for any other help. They have designed the concepts in a step-to –step method and they are self-explanatory. Students who have availed this benefit from Vedantu have shown remarkable improvement in their grades. In this article, we are providing you NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 19 free pdf to download.


NCERT Solutions for Class 3


Class 3 EVS

Chapter Name:

Chapter 19 - Our Friends Animals


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Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

  • Chapter Wise

  • Exercise Wise

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  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Access NCERT Solutions for Science Class 3 Chapter 19 – Our Friends – Animal!


 1. Put the sentences in the correct order:

  • Peter lovingly patted the bird.

  • The children saw a bird circling in their classroom.

  • Navjyot and Ali quickly brought water in a bowl.

  • The bird flew away.

  • The bird hurt itself with the fan.


3. Navjyot and Ali quickly brought water in a bowl.

5. The bird hurt itself with the fan.

2. The children saw a bird circling in their classroom.

4. The bird flew away.

1. Peter lovingly patted the bird.

 2. What do you think Malini would have done?

Ans: As Malini saw the mother of the kitten crying, she must have kept the kitten near its mother.

3. What will people in Meenu’s family do?

Ans: Firstly Meenu’s family members will provide first aid to bholi (cow) and then they will take bholi to a veterinary doctor nearby.

4. Chandu Dhobi looks after his donkey very well. The donkey too does a lot of his work. Look at the pictures and write what are the things that Chandu does for his donkey.

Write the activities of chandu and his donkey


chandu baths his donkey

 Chandu bathes his donkey to keep it clean.

chandu feeding donkey

Chandu feeds his donkey to make it healthy.

chandu giving water to donkey

 Chandu provides clean water to his donkey

chandu decorating donkey with flowers

Chandu decorates his donkey with flowers to make it look attractive.

5. Do you or any of your neighbours have a pet? Which one?

Ans: Yes, I have a pet dog of the breed Golden Retriever.

6. What name have you given to your pet? What do you do when your pet is-

  • hungry ____________

  • feeling hot or cold ____________

  • teased by someone ____________

  • hurt ____________


I have named it  Coco.

When my pet is –

  • Hungry – I give him dog food.

  • Feeling hot or cold – when it feels hot, I switch on the fan and if it feels cold, I make it wear its dog jacket to make it comfortable.

  • Teased by someone- I make it bark on them.

  • Hurt – when it gets hurt, I provide it first aid and then take it to a veterinary doctor.

7. We keep some pet animals at home. We look after them too. In the table below are the names of some such animals. Complete the table?

Write the animals name and why we domesticate them


Name Of The Animal

Why Do We Keep Them


For security purposes

Cow, Buffalo

It gives milk


It pulls the cart.


It  carries loads


It gives eggs, which are used for  cooking.


For amusement in an aquarium. We eat fishes

also, so people keep them for selling

purpose also


We love it


To get honey

8. Like us, animals also need water to live. There are many other things which are

required by both – animals and humans. Write the names of three such things.

Ans: Following things are required by both animals and humans-

  1. Air

  2. Shelter

  3. Food

9. Have you ever fed any animal or seen anyone else feeding any animal? If yes,

then fill in the table.

Name the animals and what you feed them


Name of the Animal you Fed

What did You Fed


Roti, bread, vegetables


Stover, green grass


green grass


Banana, roasted gram


Milk and roti

10. Why do you feed these animals?

Ans: Animals are an essential component of our ecology, and they also require food to survive, which is why we feed them.

11. Which animal did most children feed?

Ans: Most children fed cows.

12. What did they feed?

Ans: They fed roti to cows.

13. Do you have these names in your list? Find out what these animals eat?

Rat   Cockroach   Pig   Bat   Crow

Squirrel     Monkey    Spider   Lizard


Name of Animal

What do they Eat?


Different types of grains


Decayed food items, small insects


Faeces, dead animals


Moths, mosquitos, insects


Insects, seeds, grains, eggs


Leaves, peanuts, walnuts


Banana, small insects, different fruits


Small insects which get trapped in its net


Small insects

14. Has any animal ever eaten your food against your will? How?

Ans: Yes, once a  monkey had eaten my food against my will. I was eating a banana

on the roof of my house and suddenly a monkey jumped and snatched the banana from my hand.

15. Who eats what? Match by drawing lines of different colours. One example is shown.

Match who eats what


The line represents who eats what

16. Write the names of the animals ?

Write animals you have touched, not touched and can touch


You have Touched

You have Not Touched

but you Can Touch

You Cannot Touch














NCERT Solutions For Class 3 EVS Chapter 19 - Free PDF Download

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 19 – Our Friends, designed by experienced teachers and subject experts as per the latest syllabus of NCERT issued by CBSE board. On Vedantu’s platform you will find all the solutions for the exercise questions given in Class 3 EVS Chapter 19. Notes for this chapter are also available on Vedantu official website as well as on Vedantu app, which will help you to revise the complete topics covered in the chapter thoroughly and you will be able to score good marks in your exams. Vedantu has very well structured study materials and reference notes with lots of worksheets and mock tests. These tests and worksheets will help you to improve your scores in the exams. 

You can practice and verify your answers with NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 19  – Our Friends offered by Vedantu on this page below. You can choose the topic you think you are weak in and prepare it thoroughly for your exams at a pace that suits you. You can also take the help of our qualified and experienced teachers if you want to clear any doubt of any subject. NCERT Solutions Pdf are also available on the official website of Vedantu as well on Vedantu app, which students can download and refer according to their needs.

Through  NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 19, you will be able to complete the exercises questions given at the back of the chapter. This lesson in EVS teaches us to be compassionate towards animals. There is a moral to the story. The purpose of the lesson is to teach the students to understand the feelings of animals. We should help animals when they are in need and in return they will help us and they always do. Everything in nature is a cycle. We should not harm the cycle otherwise only humans will suffer. To know more about this chapter ,download NCERT solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 19 pdf just by tapping on the pdf link given below.

A Few Glimpses of Class 3 EVS Chapter 19

There are two parts in the Chapter 19 EVS NCERT Solutions. The first section teaches how we should take care of animals and the second section is a story that teaches that we should not disturb the nature cycle because of our selfish needs. 

The children saw a small sparrow got hurt by the fan in the classroom. Peter picked up the bird in his palms and lovingly patted the bird. Other children brought water in a bowl. They got the bowl close to the bird’s beak. It drank little water and then the bird flew away. Next day the children saw the bird flying above them in circles. They quickly switched off the fan so that the bird does not get hurt again. The bird came back to say thank you to the children. 

Shankar is very fond of cats. A cat had given birth to four small kittens. He used to spend time with them in his free time. One day he heard the mother cat crying. Shankar rushed to her and found that one of the kittens was missing. He looked around and found Malini patting the kitten. Shankar asked her to give the kitten back to the mother cat because she was in pain. Malini saw the cat crying and she felt very bad. She returned the kitten to her. 

Meenu’s cow is Bholi. She takes her cow to the field for grazing everyday. One day a speeding scooter hit the cow and her leg was badly hurt. Her leg was bleeding very badly. Meenu called her family. They rushed Bholi to an animal hospital. The doctor examined the wound and treated it. The doctor then put a bandage over the wound. 

Chandu Dhobi also takes good care of his donkey. He gives him a bath and feeds him with fresh grass. He loves his pet a lot. 

In the second section of NCERT Solutions EVS Chapter 19, you will find the story of a princess who loves to eat mangoes. One day her gardener got some good mangoes for her. He told the princess that there could have been more mangoes but the parrots ate few of them. The princess got very angry and ordered the gardener to stop the parrots from entering the garden. Next year, when the gardener got the mangoes, the princess got very angry to see that there were very few mangoes again. They were less than last year. The gardener said that he stopped the parrots from entering the garden and so the insects ate the mangoes. If he did not stop the parrots then the birds would have eaten the insects and there could have been more mangoes.

Why should you choose Vedantu for Class 3 NCERT Solutions?

Explore the fantastic world of animals in Class 3 EVS Chapter 19 - 'Our Friends Animals' with the help of user-friendly NCERT Solutions. Crafted by skilled educators, these solutions offer:

1. Detailed Explanations: Understand each exercise and question deeply, making learning enjoyable.

2. Clear Presentation: Information is organized in a way that's easy to understand.

3. Correct Answers: Boost confidence with accurate solutions aligned to the curriculum.

4. Visual Aids: Enjoy diagrams and illustrations to simplify tricky concepts.

5. Helpful Tips: Get extra insights for improved performance.

6. Chapter Summaries: Quick revision with summarized chapter content.

7. Online Access: Conveniently study anytime with downloadable resources.


In this lesson, we discover two important things. Firstly, it's good to love animals, and secondly, we shouldn't harm nature. Animals show unconditional love when we care for them, making us better humans. When we love and protect animals, they respond with affection, ensuring our safety. Nature has cycles; for instance, birds prevent crop damage by eating insects. They play a vital role in balancing nature. For Class 3 exam preparation, use NCERT Solutions. Read the textbook chapter thoroughly, then solve NCERT questions for 'Our Friends Animals.' Vedantu provides detailed solutions aligned with CBSE guidelines. Download free NCERT Solutions for expert-reviewed answers.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 19 - Our Friends Animals

1. What is a Birdbath?

A birdbath is a small basin or a shallow pond that we can create by filling water. The birds can come drink water and bathe there to cool themselves. We can make this birdbath on the terrace or in the gardens of our house. We should take care of birds in our surroundings because they play a very vital role in balancing nature.

2. How will Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS help us?

The team in Vedantu has done extensive research and developed the most authentic and appropriate NCERT solutions that will further be a valuable resource for all students. The class 3 EVS NCERT Solutions covers twenty-four chapters and the exercises from the NCERT books for Class 3. There are enough practice questions available on the official website of Vedantu.

3. Why should you be loving and affectionate towards animals?

Like humans, animals too have the right to live peacefully. By loving and taking care of animals makes us a better human being. When we shower love and affection on animals they too respond back with their love and affection. 

4. What are the features and benefits of NCERT EVS Solution for Class 3?

The features and benefits of NCERT EVS Solution for Class 3 are

  • The EVS solutions are developed by the subject-matter experts to guide Class 3 students to clear all their doubts and learn more easily.

  • The solutions are written in a very interactive language so that children can understand the concepts better.

  • The subject-matter experts have given the solutions in a step-by-step method and reference notes are attached with the topic to help the students to recall easily.

  • NCERT Solutions Pdf are also available on the official website of Vedantu, which students can download and refer according to their convenience. 

5. What lesson do you learn from Class 3 EVS Chapter 19?

The lesson that you get to learn from NCERT Class 3 EVS Chapter 19 ‘Our Friend - Animal’ is that you should always be kind towards animals. You need to give them your affection and help them out. They are living creatures as well, just like us. This is what we see when Navjot, Ali, and Kalyani help the wounded bird in healing. Access these NCERT Solutions available at the official website of Vedantu. You can also access these study materials on the Vedantu app. All the resources are available free of cost.

6. List out some things that are required by both animals and humans?

Some things that are required by both animals and humans are air, water, and sunlight. To get answers to other questions from this chapter, download the NCERT Solutions available at the official website of Vedantu. These solutions have answers to all questions that are in the chapter. Study from these solutions and get full marks in the test on this chapter.

7. What are some animals that you have not touched but you can touch and some animals that you cannot touch? 

Some animals that I have not touched but can touch are elephants, zebras, horses, rabbits, and buffaloes. Some animals that I cannot touch are lions, tigers, snakes, alligators, and crocodiles. 

8. What things does Chandu dhobi do for his pet donkey?

Chandu has a pet donkey, which helped Chandu dhobi with his work. But Chandu dhobi also did a lot for his donkey. Some of these tasks included bathing his donkey, feeding it some grass for food, giving him water to drink so he is not thirsty, and putting a garland around him. Chandu loved his animal and took good care of it. 

9. What had happened to the bird?

The bird had hurt its wings with a fan and was in pain. Peter picked it and started patting it affectionately. Then, Ali and Navjot tried to feed it some water by putting a bowl of water near its peak. The bird began to flap its wings and flew away. The next day, the same bird came back and started circling above Kalyani, Ali, and Navjot.