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NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 3 - A Smile

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NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 3 Poem - A Smile

The NCERT Class 2 English notes on A Smile have been provided at Vedantu for a better understanding among children. The notes and solutions have been prepared in ways which can easily be understood by students. The solutions to Class 2 English Marigold chapter 3 poem, “A Smile” are very important for students to refer to for the examination. Most experienced teachers and experts have prepared and revised the solutions so that it would make learning more enjoyable for students.


NCERT Solutions for Class 2


Class 2 English

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English Marigold

Chapter Name:

Chapter 3 Poem - A Smile


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NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 3 Poem A Smile

Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 3 Poem A Smile- Free PDF Download

Class 2 Poem on A Smile Marigold

The Class 2 poem English chapter 3 ‘A Smile’ solutions provided by Vedantu are extremely important to study materials for students. These Class 2 English notes on A Smile have been provided by experts and teachers with years of experience from across the country. The solutions and notes have been revised to ensure the best understanding of the chapter among children. The key areas on A Smile Class 2 notes which have specifically been resolved include the chapter’s themes, morals, messages, etc. Therefore, referring to these notes of Class 2 poem chapter 3 ‘A Smile’, will improve the skills in English and the understanding of the chapter among students.

Class 2 Poem English Chapter 3 A Smile- A Brief Summary

The Class 2 English poem chapter 3, ‘A Smile’ is a very short, sweet and lovely poem. The poem brings out the imagination and the innocence of children when they smile. The chapter teaches us to keep on smiling through our lives. The poem tells us about the mysteries a smile hides beneath it and how a smile multiplies itself and causes us and others to be happy.

The poem ‘A Smile’ begins with the poet writing that he/she thinks a smile is quite a funny thing. The poet writes it because we smile when we are happy. And, funny things make us happy.

The poet then writes that a smile wrinkles up our faces. When we smile, our lips and eyes wrinkle up. Our mouths curve up like a bow when we smile, and our eyes wrinkle up while smiling. Thus the poet tells us the facial changes that we experience when we smile and be happy.

Then, the chapter tells us, when we stop smiling, the wrinkles that were seen on our happy faces, cannot be seen anymore. This is because, when we aren’t smiling, our faces do not become wrinkled. So, the poet writes that when the happy wrinkles are gone from our faces, we never find the place where they went to hide. And, the places where the wrinkles hide are never known to us. And, they appear again when we are happy and are smiling again. So, we never find its secret place of hiding.

The chapter then tells us that, it is more wonderful to see what a smile can do. The poet writes it because a smile can do many wonderful things. A smile causes us joy and it is related to happiness. We smile when we are happy. Along with that, a smile can do another wonderful thing. As we learn from the chapter, when we smile at somebody, he/she also smiles at us. This is because when we smile at one, we show him/her that we are happy and that makes the other person happy too. Therefore, one smile multiplies itself from one person to another. And, just like that, we also multiply happiness amongst ourselves. The poet writes that, with these exchanges, one smile makes two smiles and so on. Therefore, this chapter teaches us how our faces show others when we are happy by smiling. And, by seeing our happiness, others also become happy and start to smile. And, this is how we multiply happiness and smiles among us.

Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 3 Poem ‘A Smile’ - Solved Q/A

  1. Why is A Smile A Funny Thing?

Answer. The poet of ‘A Smile’ calls smile a funny thing because when we smile, it wrinkles up our faces like old people but when we stop smiling, the wrinkles disappear and hide in their secret hiding places.

  1. Where is The Secret Hiding Place of Wrinkles?

Answer. The secret hiding place of wrinkles is never found by us.

  1. What Happens When We Smile At Another Person?

Answer. When we smile at another person, he/she smiles at us and like that, one smiles makes two of us smile.

A Game of Opposites: 

  1. Smile- Frown/Cry

  2. Wrinkled- Smooth

  3. Far- Near

Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 3 Poem, ‘A Smile’ Chapter-wise Marks Weightage

The chapter, ‘A Smile’ in Marigold is a very important chapter for the CBSE examination. This chapter, along with all the other chapters in Marigold should be learned by heart for the examination. The chapter carries equal marks like the rest of the chapters. Therefore, it is advisable to skip the chapter.

Benefits of Solutions in English Class 2 on A Smile

The solutions provided by Vedantu have several benefits. Some of them are listed below:

  • The solutions are prepared by experienced teachers and experts.

  • The solutions are provided according to CBSE instructions.

  • The solutions provide an innovative learning experience.

So, join Vedantu today to enjoy these benefits!

Important Questions and Answers of Ch 3 Class 2 English Poem

Q1. What Happens When We Smile?

Ans. When we smile, our faces wrinkle up.

Q2. Where Do the Wrinkles Go When We Stop Smiling?

Ans. The wrinkles go to their secret hiding place when we stop smiling.

Framing an answer to a question from a poem is not easy. To get a proper hand-holding, you must download Class 2 English notes on A Smile by Vedantu.


NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 3, "A Smile," are a valuable resource in the early education of young learners. This chapter introduces children to the profound impact of a simple smile through a heartwarming story. These solutions provide a structured approach to help students grasp the narrative and enhance their English language skills. Beyond language development, the story emphasizes the importance of kindness, empathy, and the universal language of a smile. These solutions not only promote linguistic proficiency but also impart essential life lessons, making them a fundamental component of holistic learning for Class 2 English students.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 3 - A Smile

1. Who prepares the notes of Class 2 poem chapter 2 at Vedantu?

Ans: The notes of Class 2 English poem chapter 3 have been prepared by experienced teachers and experts according to the CBSE instructions.

2. Do our faces wrinkle as we grow old?

Ans: Yes, wrinkles appear on our face as we grow old because our facial muscles become loose. This is a part of a natural biological process called ageing. 

3. Write a summary of Chapter 3 poem  A Smile of Class 2 English.

Ans: “A Smile” is a beautiful poem. The poem describes the innocence of small children when they smile. The poem gives a beautiful message that we should keep smiling throughout our lives. We can hide our sorrows behind our smiles. When we smile at someone, a smile multiplies and it also helps to make other people happy. Funny things make us happy and when we are happy we smile. Students will enjoy reading the poem. Students can read NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 3 poem on Vedantu.

These solutions are available on Vedantu's official website( and mobile app free of cost.

4. What wonderful things a smile can do in Chapter 3 poem  A Smile of Class 2 English?

Ans: In the poem “A Smile” the poet tells that a smile can do many beautiful things. A smile gives us joy. When we smile it makes other people happy. When other people look at our smiling faces they also smile and feel happy. A smile is a thing that multiplies and we also share happiness with other people through smiles. We can show our happiness by smiling and the poet also tells us that we should keep smiling in our lives to face all difficult problems.

5. How can NCERT Solutions for Chapter 3 poem  A Smile of Class 2 English help students?

Ans: NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold chapter 3 poem can help students to understand the main idea of the poem. It can help students to clear their doubts and learn new words. NCERT Solutions can also help students prepare questions and answers for exams. Students can understand the theme of the poem and can answer all questions asked in the exam. They can also score high marks in exams by preparing from the NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 3 poem given on Vedantu.

6. What facial changes do we experience when we smile?

Ans: When we smile many changes take place in our faces. The wrinkles from our faces go away. Our mouth curves up like a bow and our eyes move up when we smile. There is a glow on our faces when we smile. Our smile is infectious as it makes others also smile. A smile is transferred from one person to another and in this way, the smile keeps on multiplying, and if one person smiles the other people also smile and they feel happy.

7. What is the easy way to download NCERT Solutions for Chapter 3 poem  A Smile of Class 2 English?

Ans: Students can easily download NCERT Solutions for Class English Marigold Chapter 3 for free from Vedantu. They can visit the website and click on the available link to download the solutions. Students can save all solutions on their computers and can refer to the solutions anytime to prepare for the exams and understand the main concepts of the poem. All solutions are given in simple language that can help Class 2 students prepare for exams.